Part 47 (1/2)

1318. Little birds that sing in the morning The old cat will catch before night.

Accustomed to be said to children when they were especially hilarious in the early morning.

_Northern Ohio._

1319. If a child sing before breakfast, it will get a whipping before night.

_New Hamps.h.i.+re._

1320. To sing after you go to bed is a sign that tears will come before breakfast.


1321. If the sole of either foot itches, you will walk on strange ground.

_Boston, Ma.s.s._

1322. When about to begin a new enterprise, one must not step over straws in starting out.

1323. If you stumble with the right foot, it means a glad surprise.

_Pennsylvania (negro)._

1324. In going anywhere, if you strike the right foot you will be welcome wherever you may be going, and if the same happens to the left foot, you will be on strange ground.

_Bellville, O._

1325. To sit on a table is a sign of coming disappointment.

_Maine and Ma.s.sachusetts._

1326. In drinking tea, if you take a stem in the mouth it means an enemy; you must bite it and throw it over the right shoulder.

_Central Maine._

1327. If you stub your toe going into a house, you are not wanted there.

_Guilford, Conn._

1328. If, in going visiting, you stub the right toe, you are welcome; if the left, you are unwelcome.

_Ma.s.sachusetts and Ohio._

1329. If you stub your toe going anywhere, it means a disappointment.

_Bathurst, N.B._

1330. Stub your toe, Lose your beau.

_Salem, Ma.s.s._

1331. To bite the tongue while talking means that you have told a lie.

1332. If you bite your tongue suddenly while eating, it is a sign some one is coming hungry.

_Cambridge, Ma.s.s._

1333. In going along the street or path, where there is a tree, go inside rather than outside the tree, for you will be disappointed if you take the latter course.

_Eastern Ma.s.sachusetts._

1334. In drinking water, if you glance over the gla.s.s, you are a flirt.