Part 36 (1/2)
987. Much snow during the winter denotes good crops next year.
_New Harbor, N.F._
988. If the stars are scarce, big, and dull, it portends mild weather in winter. If large and bright, it portends frost in winter.
989. Stars twinkling are a sign of bad weather.
_Labrador and New Harbor, N.F._
990. When the moon is on the back, it denotes weather wet or mild; when on the end, it denotes frost.
991. Should the new moon lie on its back, it is a sign it will be dry that month, for the moon would hold water. The Indian says the hunter can hang his powder-horn upon it. But should the new moon stand vertically, it will be a wet month, for the moon will not hold water, and the powder-horn will slip off. Very many, however, reverse these signs.
_New England, New York, and Ohio._
992. The Indians told the first settlers that if the moon lay well on her back, so that a powder-horn could be hung on the end, the weather during that moon will be dry.
_Nova Scotia._
993. The moon changing in the west denotes that fine weather will prevail during that moon.
_Bay Roberts, N.F._
994. If the moon changes near midnight there will be fine weather. The nearer to midnight, the finer the weather.
_Conception Bay, N.F._
995. A disk or ring around the moon indicates bad weather (rain or snow).
996. A circle round the moon means rain. In some localities the number of stars inside the circle denotes the number of days until it will rain.
_Prince Edward Island; general in the United States._
997. Where there is a ring around the moon, whichever way the ring opens; the wind will blow in. If it does not open there will be fine weather.
The bigger the ring the nearer the bad weather.
_Trinity Bay, N.F._
998. If the new moon is of light color, there will be a frost; if it is red, it will be mild for a month.
_Bay Roberts, N.F._
999. The weather of the new moon governs the month's weather.
1000. The weather of the new moon governs the first quarter and after that remains the same; therefore it governs the first half.
_Conception Bay, N.F._
1001. The moon being red near midnight, with blunted corners or horns, portends mild weather that month. If the corners are white and sharp, there will be frosty weather.
_Conception Bay, N.F._
1002. If there is a star before the moon, the weather will be calm; if the star is behind the moon, the weather will be stormy.
_New Harbor, N.F._