Part 2 (1/2)

_Niagara Falls, Ont._

8. It is lucky for the child to cry at baptism, but unlucky for the G.o.dmother to wear mourning.

9. If twins are brought to baptism at the same time, christen the boy first, or else he will have no beard, and the girl will be beggared.


10. An open hand in a baby is a sign of a generous disposition, but a habit of closing the fingers indicates avarice, or, as we say, closefistedness.

_Cambridge, Ma.s.s._

11. If a child ”favors its father,” it is good luck for it. It will get on well in the world.

_Salem, Ma.s.s._

12. A baby that has two crowns will live in two continents or kingdoms.


13. A double crown on the head means that the owner will ”break bread in two kingdoms.”

_Northern Ohio._

14. ”Two crowns will never be satisfied.” This is a sign of a very changeable disposition.

_Chestertown, Md._

15. A baby born with a veil over its face has good luck.


16. A child born with a veil over its face will never be drowned. Many sailors are known to wear the caul, with which they were born, about the person as a charm against death by drowning.

_Sailor's superst.i.tion._


17. Take the baby first into the sunlight on Sunday. Put it into short clothes and make all changes on that day.

18. To make a child rise in the world, carry it upstairs (or to the attic) first.

_Mifflintown, Pa._

19. The baby must go upstairs before it goes downstairs, or it will never rise in the world.


20. To be a bright baby, it must go up before it is carried down, and it must be b.u.mped to the attic roof for luck.

_New England._

21. A young baby was taken up a short step-ladder by its nurse before being for the first time carried downstairs lest it should die before it was a year old.

_Holyoke, Ma.s.s._

22. A child will have a nature and disposition similar to that of the person who first takes him out of doors.


23. The first time a baby is taken out of its room, it must be taken up, or it will not go to heaven. If the door of the room steps down, then the person carrying the baby must step up on a chair or book with the baby in her arms.