C127 (1/2)
”Let him go. Are you dreaming?” LV Tiehan asked in a voice.
”I told you to let him go!” Tong Tian roared, and his hair almost stood up because of the roar. Then he stepped forward to LV tie.
”Five minutes to go!” After looking at the pendulum clock in the bar all over the world, he was worried.
Half an hour from Lu Chong said, there will be five minutes to arrive, but fat San has already had an accident.
Just now, Tong tianqiang is forced to retreat by Ke Hui. He is ready to save Pang San, but it is still late.
”If you don't want him dead, stop for me.” Lu tie's hand, suddenly more a machete, the machete emitting a faint cold light, on the fat three's neck.
”Brother, I'm innocent. I'm not from Tongtian.” Fat three sweat permeated his clothes, which was completely scared out. He had been afraid of death, but now he was held by a knife on his neck. He was not scared to urinate, which was very good.
”Shit, be quiet. Who are you cheating on? You are not his man. He will ask the black tiger to protect you? ” LV tie looks at Pang San like a fool.
”Boss, how long will you be here? I'm dying!” Fat three lies on the ground and is trampled by LV tie, but in his heart he is constantly talking about Lu Chong.
”Li Er, how long is it Lu Chong is also worried. He is really worried about what happened to pangsan.
”Boss, don't worry. We'll be here soon. We'll have another minute.” Li Er wiped a sweat. Just in order to be in a hurry, he bravely ran a red light.
”Shit! I can't wait! ” Lu Chong's eyesight is very good. Only when he got to the street, he had already seen the four big characters of Tianxia bar in the middle of the street, and now he has heard the noise coming from Tianxia bar.
After that, without waiting for Li Er to stop, he opened the door and jumped out of the car.
Black brother saw this, but he was not careless. He got out of the car and landed on his feet. He stood on the ground steadily.
”Let's go, Hei!” Lu Chong touched the head of brother Hei. He understood him and put his body the size of a calf in front of Lu Chong.
Seeing this, Lu Chong took a step and sat down on the black brother. Then he said softly, ”go!”
”Crouching Cao, boss, you...” Li Er has already parked his car to one side, but he is momentarily stupid. Now Lu Chong, riding black brother, gallops all the way to Tianxia bar. Now it seems that there is nothing wrong with him.
”Boss, it's bad. A big black dog has come.” It is tens of meters away from the world bar, which was discovered by Ke Hui's men.
With so many people fighting here, it is natural for someone to guard against the arrival of the police. However, he did not wait for the police, but waited for a big black dog.
”Shit, it's just a dog. You're so scared of eggs!” Ke Hui slapped the younger brother in the face and denounced angrily.
”Boss, that's not a normal dog!” After the man was beaten, he said wrongly.
”Paralyzed, even if it's not a normal dog, you have a machete in your hand, are you afraid of a dog?” Ke Hui's face was full of resentment. He said in a cruel voice, ”this dog will be handed over to you.”
”Boss, I beg you to let me go.” This man was frightened by Ke Hui's words and fell to the ground.