Part 66 (2/2)
Brother and sister then kissed one another affectionately; and Alfred ran back like the wind to Albion Cottage. Julia was not in the drawing-room, and some coolish tea was. After waiting half an hour he got impatient, and sent Sarah to say he had a message for her. Sarah went upstairs to Mrs. Dodd's room, and was instantly absorbed. After waiting again for a long time, Alfred persuaded Edward to try his luck.
Edward went up to Mrs. Dodd's room, and was absorbed.
The wedding dress was being solemnly tried on. A clean linen sheet was on the floor, and the bride stood on it, receiving the last touches of the milliner's art. With this and her white poplin and lace veil she seemed framed in white, and her cheeks bloomed so, and her eyes beamed, with excitement and innocent vanity, that altogether she was supernaturally lovely.
Once enter the room enchanted by this snow-chad rose, and--_Vestigia nulla retrorsum._
However, Edward escaped at last and told Alfred what was on foot, and drew a picture of the Bride with white above and white below.
”Oh, let me see her,” implored the lover.
Edward must ask mamma about that. He did, and mamma said ”Certainly not; the last person in the world that shall see her in her wedding dress.”
But she should come down to him in half an hour. It seemed a very long half-hour. However, by way of compensation, he was alone when she did come. ”Good news?” she asked eagerly.
”Capital: we are the best of friends. Why she is half inclined to _come._”
”Then--oh how good you are: oh, how I love you.”
And she flung a tender arm round his neck, like a young G.o.ddess making love; and her sweet face came so near his, he had only to stoop a little, and their lips met in a long blissful kiss.
That kiss was an era in her life. Innocence itself, she had put up her delicious lips to her lover in pure, though earnest affection; but the male fire with which his met them, made her blush as well as thrill, and she drew back a little, ashamed and half scared, and nestled on his shoulder, hiding a face that grew redder and redder.
He bent his graceful head, and murmured down to her, ”Are you afraid of me, sweetest?”
”Oh no, no! Yes, a little. I don't know. I was afraid I had made too free with my Treasure; you don't quite belong to me yet, you know.”
”Oh yes, I do; and, what is more, you belong to me. Don't you, sweet rebel?”
”Ah, that I do, heart and soul, my own, own, own.”
A few more soft delicious murmurs, and then Julia was summoned to more rites of vanity, and the lovers parted with tender reluctance for those few hours.
Alfred went home to his lodgings. He had not been there above ten minutes, when he came out hastily, and walked quickly to the ”White Lion,” the inn in Barkington. He went into the stable-yard, and said a few words to the ostler: then returned to his lodgings.
The man followed him at a distance from Albion Terrace; watched him home; dogged him to the ”White Lion;” and, by-and-bye, entered the yard and offered the ostler a gla.s.s of ale at the tap.
At Albion Villa they were working on Julia's dresses till past midnight: and then Mrs. Dodd insisted on her going to bed. She obeyed; but when the house was all quiet, came stealing out to her mother, and begged to sleep with her: the sad mother strained her in a tearful embrace: and so they pa.s.sed the night; clinging to one another more as the parting drew near.
Edward arranged the wedding breakfast for after the ceremony; and sent the ladies up a cup of coffee, and a bit of toast apiece. They could hardly find appet.i.te even for this; or indeed time; there was so much still to do.
At ten o'clock Julia was still in the height of dressing, delayed by _contretemps_ upon _contretemps._ Sarah and her sister did her hair up too loose, and, being a glorious ma.s.s, it threatened all to come down and, meantime, a hair-pin quietly but persistently bored her cream-white poll.
”Oh, run for mamma!” she cried.
Mamma came half dressed, had the hair all down again, and did it up with adroit and loving hand, and put on the orange wreath, kissed her admiringly, and retired to her own toilet; and the girls began to lace the bride's body. came Edward's foot against the door, making them all shriek.