Part 52 (1/2)

”Our muckraking, as you call it, isn't a question of temper, Dad,” said Hal earnestly. ”It's a question of policy. What the 'Clarion' is doing, is done because we're trying to be a newspaper. We've got to stick to that. I've given my word.”

”Who to?”

”To the men on the staff.”

”What's more,” put in McGuire Ellis, turning at the door on his way out to see a caller, ”the fellows have got hold of the idea. That's what gives the 'Clarion' the go it's got. We're all rowing one stroke.”

”And the captain can't very well quit in mid-race.” Hal took up the other's metaphor, as the door closed behind him. ”So you see, Dad, I've got to see it through, no matter what it costs me.”

The father's rich voice dropped to a murmur. ”Hasn't it cost you something more than money, already, Boyee? I understand Miss Esme is a pretty warm friend of Pierce's girl.”

Hal winced.

”All right, Boyee. I don't want to pry. But lots of things come quietly to the old man's ear. You've got a right to your secrets.”

”It isn't any secret, Dad. In fact, it isn't anything any more,” said Hal, smiling wanly. ”Yes, the price was pretty high. I don't think any other will ever be so high.”

Dr. Surtaine heaved his bulk out of the chair and laid a heavy arm across his son's shoulder.

”Boyee, you and I don't agree on a lot of things. We're going to keep on not agreeing about a lot of things. You think I'm an old fogy with low-brow standards. I think you've got a touch of that prevalent disease of youth, fool-in-the-head. But, I guess, as father and son, pal and pal, we're pretty well suited,--eh?”

”Yes,” said Hal. There was that in the monosyllable which wholly contented the older man.

”Go ahead with your 'Clarion,' Boyee. Blow your fool head off. Deave us all deaf. Play any tune you want, and pay yourself for your piping. I won't interfere--any more'n I can help, being an old meddler by taste.

Blood's thicker than water, they say. I guess it's thicker than printer's ink, too. Remember this, right or wrong, win or lose, Boyee, I'm with you.”



All Hal's days now seemed filled with Pierce. Pierce's friends, dependents, employees, a.s.sociates wrote in, denouncing the ”Clarion,”

canceling subscriptions, withdrawing advertis.e.m.e.nts. Pierce's club, the Huron, compelled the abandonment of Mr. Harrington Surtaine's candidacy.

Pierce's clergyman bewailed the low and vindictive tone of modern journalism. The Pierce newspapers kept hara.s.sing the ”Clarion”; the Pierce banks evinced their financial disapproval; the Pierce lawyers diligently sought new causes of offense against the foe; while Pierce's mayor persecuted the newspaper office with further petty enforcements and exactions. Pierce's daughter, however, fled the town. With her went Miss Esme Elliot. According to the society columns, including that of the ”Clarion,” they were bound for a restful voyage on the Pierce yacht.

From time to time Editor Surtaine retaliated upon the foe, employing the news of the slow progress of Miss Cleary, the nurse, to maintain interest in the topic. Protests invariably followed, sometimes from sources which puzzled the ”Clarion.” One of the protestants was Hugh Merritt, the young health officer of the city, who expressed his views to McGuire Ellis one day.

”No,” Ellis reported to his employer, on the interview, ”he didn't exactly ask that we let up entirely. But he seemed to think we were going too strong. I couldn't quite get his reasons, except that he thought it was a terrible thing for the Pierce girl, and she so young.

Queer thing from Merritt. They don't make 'em any straighter than he is.”

Alone of the lot of protests, that of Mrs. Festus Willard gained a response from Hal.

”You're treating her very harshly, Hal.”

”We're giving the facts, Lady Jinny.”

”_Are_ they the facts? _All_ the facts?”

”So far as human eyes could see them.”

”Men's eyes don't see very far where a woman is concerned. She's very young and headstrong, and, Hal, she hasn't had much chance, you know.