Part 12 (1/2)

He looked at me with a shrewd twinkle in his eye, and for a moment said nothing.

”I just expected if there was anything possible to be done you'd think of it,” he replied.

I thought for a moment, and then I told him I would write to Cousin Mehitable to send down a trained nurse from Boston.

”The Overseers won't pay her,” he commented with a grin.

”Perhaps you will,” I returned, knowing perfectly that he was trying to tease.

”It will take several days at least to get her here.”

We considered for a little in silence. I do not know what pa.s.sed through his mind, but I thought with a positive sickening of soul of being under the same roof with that girl. I knew that it must be done, though; and, simply to be rid of the dread of it, I said as steadily as I could,--

”I will go down in the morning.”

And so it has come about that I am to be nurse to the Brownrig girl and to Tom Webbe's baby.

April 6. The last four days have been so full and so exhausting that there has been no time for scribbling in diaries. Like Pepys I have now to write up the interval, although I cannot bring myself to his way of dating things as if he always wrote on the very day on which they happened. Father used to laugh at me because I always insisted that it was not honest of Pepys to put down one date when he really wrote on another.

Tuesday forenoon I went down to the Brownrig house. I had promised myself not to let the sick girl see how I shrank from her, but I had a sensation of sickening repugnance almost physical. When I got to the red house I was so ashamed of myself that I forgot everything else. The girl was so sick, the place so cheerless, so dirty, so poverty-stricken; she was so dreadful to look at, with her tangled black hair, her hot cheeks, her fierce eyes; everything was so miserable and dreadful, that I could have cried with pity. Julia was in a bed so dirty that it would have driven me to distraction; the pillow-slip was ragged, and the comforter torn in great places, as if a wild cat had clawed it. Marm Bagley was swaying back and forth in an old broken rocking-chair, smoking a black pipe, which perhaps she thought fumigated the foul air of the sick-room.

She had the appearance of paying very little attention to the patient and none at all to the baby, which wailed incessantly from a shabby clothes-basket in a corner. The whole scene was so sordid, so pitiful, so hopeless, that I could think only of the misery, and so forget my shrinking and dread.

A Munson boy, that the Overseers of the Poor had sent down, was chopping wood in the yard, and I dispatched him to the house for Hannah and clean linen, while I tried to get Marm Bagley to attend to the baby and to help me to put things to rights a little. She smelled of spirits like another Sairey Gamp, and her wits did not appear to be entirely steady.

After I found her holding the baby under her arm literally upside down, while she prepared its food, I decided that unless I wished to run the risk of being held as accessory to the murder of the infant, I had better look after it myself.

”Can't you pick up the room a little while I feed the baby?” I asked.

”Don't see no use of clearing up none,” she said. ”'Tain't time for the funeral yet.”

This, I suppose, was some sort of an attempt at a rudimentary joke, but it was a most ghastly one. I looked at the sick girl to see if she heard and understood. It was evident that she had, but it seemed to me that she did not care. I went to the bedside.

”I ought to have spoken to you when I came in,” I said, ”but your eyes were shut, and I thought you might be asleep. I am Miss Privet, and I have come to help Mrs. Bagley take care of you till a regular nurse can get here from Boston.”

She looked at me with a strange sparkle in her eyes.

”From Boston?” she repeated.

”Yes,” I said. ”I have sent to my cousin to get a regular trained nurse.”

She stared at me with her piercing eyes opened to their fullest extent.

”Do they train 'em?” she asked.

”Yes,” I told her. ”A trained nurse is almost as good as a doctor.”

”Then I shall get well?” she demanded eagerly. ”She'll get me well?”

”I hope so,” I said, with as much of a smile as I could muster when I wanted to cry. ”And before she comes we must clear up a little.”