Part 2 (1/2)

”And that,” continued the coach, ”brings me to the object of my call tonight. Frankly, we want you two fellows at Robinson College, and I'm here to see if we can't have you.” He paused and smiled engagingly at the boys. Neil glanced surprisedly at Paul, who was thoughtfully examining the scars on his knuckles. ”Don't decide until I've explained matters more clearly,” went on the visitor. ”Perhaps neither of you have been to Collegetown, but at least you know about where Robinson stands in the athletic world, and you know that as an inst.i.tution of learning it is in the front rank of the smaller colleges; in fact, in certain lines it might dispute the place of honor with some of the big ones.

”To the fellow who wants a college where he can learn and where, at the same time, he can give some attention to athletics, Robinson's bound to recommend itself. I mention this because you know as well as I do that there are colleges--I mention no names--where a born football player, such as either of you, would simply be lost; where he would be tied down by such stringent rules that he could never amount to anything on the gridiron. I don't mean to say that at Robinson the faculty is lax regarding standing or attendance at lectures, but I do say that it holds common-sense views on the subject of college athletics, and does not hound a man to death simply because he happens to belong to the football eleven or the crew.

”Robinson is always on the lookout for first-cla.s.s football, baseball, or rowing material, and she believes in offering encouragement to such material. She doesn't favor underhand methods, you understand; no hiring of players, no free scholars.h.i.+ps--though there are plenty of them for those who will work for them--none of that sort of thing. But she is willing to meet you half-way. The proposition which I am authorized to make is briefly this”--the speaker leaned forward, smiling frankly, and tapped a forefinger on the palm of his other hand--”If you, Mr. Gale, and you, Mr. Fletcher, will enter Robinson next September, the--ah--the athletic authorities will guarantee you positions on the varsity eleven.

Besides this, you will be given free tutoring for the entrance exams, and afterward, so long as you remain on the team, in any studies with which you may have difficulty. Now, there is a fair, honest proposition, and one which I sincerely trust you will accept. We want you both, and we're willing to do all that we can--in honesty, that is--to get you.

Now, what do you say?”

During this recital Neil's dislike of the speaker had steadily increased, and now, under the other's smiling regard, he had difficulty in keeping from his face some show of his emotions. Paul looked up from his scarred knuckles and eyed Neil furtively before he turned to the coach.

”Of course,” he said, ”this is rather unexpected.”

The coach's eyes flickered for an instant with amus.e.m.e.nt.

”For my part,” Neil broke in almost angrily, ”I'm due in September at Erskine, and unless Paul's changed his mind since yesterday so's he.”

The Robinson coach raised his eyebrows in simulated surprise.

”Ah,” he said slowly, ”Erskine?”

”Yes, Erskine,” answered Neil rather discourteously. A faint flush of displeasure crept into Mr. Brill's cheeks, but he smiled as pleasantly as ever.

”And your friend has contemplated ruining his football career in the same manner, has he?” he asked politely, turning his gaze as he spoke on Paul. The latter fidgeted in his chair and looked over a trifle defiantly at his room-mate.

”I had thought of going to Erskine,” he answered. ”In fact”--observing Neil's wide-eyed surprise at his choice of words--”in fact, I had arranged to do so. But--but, of course, nothing has been settled definitely.”

”But, Paul--” exclaimed Neil.

”Well, I'm glad to hear that,” interrupted Mr. Brill. ”For in my opinion it would simply be a waste of your opportunities and--ah--abilities, Mr. Gale.”

”Well, of course, if a fellow doesn't have to bother too much about studies,” said Paul haltingly, ”he can do better work on the team; there can't be any question about that, I guess.”

”None at all,” responded the coach.

Neil stared at his chum indignantly.

”You're talking rot,” he growled. Paul flushed and returned his look angrily.

”I suppose I have the right to manage my own affairs?” he demanded. Neil realized his mistake and, with an effort, held his peace. Mr. Brill turned to him.

”I fear there's no use in attempting to persuade you to come to us also?” he said. Neil shook his head silently. Then, realizing that Paul was quite capable, in his present fit of stubbornness, of promising to enter Robinson if only to spite his room-mate, Neil used guile.

”Anyhow, September's a long way off,” he said, ”and I don't see that it's necessary to decide to-night. Perhaps we had both better take a day or two to think it over. I guess Mr. Brill won't insist on a final answer to-night.”

The Robinson coach hesitated, but then answered readily enough:

”Certainly not. Think it over; only, if possible, let me hear your decision to-morrow, as I am leaving town then.”

”Well, as far as I'm concerned,” said Paul, ”I don't see any use in putting it off. I'm willing--”