Part 13 (1/2)

LONDON, June 30, 1840.

The Duke of Wellington presents His Comp^ts to Miss J. He has received several Letters from Her. The last dated the 29^th Ins^t.

He has not thought it necessary to answer these Letters. He writes now only because Miss J. expressed an anxiety to know before she leaves town whether Her letters had been received.

The Duke would recommend to save Herself from such anxiety in future by omitting to write to Him.

LONDON, July 29, 1840.

MY DEAR MISS J.,--I have received your Note of the 28^th and I thank G.o.d! that I am and have been quite well for this last week.

There was some casual Derangement of my Stomach a week ago; and the Editors of Newspapers immediately discovered that I was in great Danger.

They forget that their Reporters reported that I appeared in the House of Lords quite well.

I am very much flattered by the anxiety which you express for my recovery. I a.s.sure you that I am as well as I have been for Years.

Believe me Ever Your most faithful Servant,


LONDON, August 3, 1840.

The Duke of Wellington presents His compliments to Miss J., and again returns His thanks for Her Kind Enquiries about His Health.

The Duke is quite well. He earnestly recommends to Miss J. to be satisfied with the Accounts which she gets in the Newspapers.

It is impossible for the Duke to be certain of receiving a letter from Miss J. to a Moment; and that he will be able to send an answer forthwith. He has frequently stated this to Her; and in order to avoid disappointment he now tells her that he will write no more.

WHO is he that saith _and it cometh to pa.s.s_, when THE LORD _commandeth it_ NOT?

Lam. iii. 37.

Indorsed by Miss J.

Miss J. writes in her Diary at this period:

”Whether the Duke would write again or not, I told him in my reply, must depend upon G.o.d rather than himself, adding that I never wished to hear from him till G.o.d pleased, and defied him accordingly,--trusting in 'The Lord of Lords.'”



Of the long silence that followed, extending from the third of August, 1840, to the tenth of June, 1844, Miss J. thus speaks:--