Part 88 (1/2)
'That is Holland House.'
'Holland House! It looks very handsome outside.'
'It is one of the finest houses about London. And it is better inside than outside.'
'You have been inside?'
'A number of times. I am sorry I cannot take you in; but it is not open to strangers.'
'How did you get in?'
'With my uncle.'
'Holland House! I have heard that the society there is very fine.'
'It has the best society of any house in London; and that is the same, I suppose, as to say any house in the world.'
'Do you happen to know that by experience?'
'Yes; its positive, not its relative character,' he said, smiling.
'But you-- However, I suppose you pa.s.s for an Englishman.'
'Yes, but I have seen Americans there. My late uncle, Mr. Strahan, was a very uncommon man, full of rare knowledge, and very highly regarded by those who knew him. Lord Holland was a great friend of his, and he was always welcomed at Holland House. I slipped in under his wing.'
'Then since Mr. Strahan's death you do not go there any more?'
'Yes, I have been there. Lord Holland is one of the most kindly men in the kingdom, and he has not withdrawn the kindness he showed me as Mr.
Strahan's nephew and favourite.'
'If you go _there_, you must go into a great deal of London society,'
said Betty, wondering. 'I am afraid you have been staying at home for our sakes. Mrs. Dallas would not like that.'
'No,' said Pitt, 'the case is not such. Once in a while I have gone to Holland House, but I have not time for general society.'
'Not time!'
'No,' said Pitt, smiling at her expression.
'Not time for society! That is--_is_ it possibly--because of Martin's court, and the Duke of Trefoil's alley, and the like?'
'What do you think?' said Pitt, his eyes sparkling with amus.e.m.e.nt.
'There is society and society, you know. Can you drink from two opposite sides of a cup at the same time?'
'But one has _duties_ to Society!' objected Betty, bewildered somewhat by the argument and the smile together.
'So I think, and I am trying to meet them. Do not mistake me. I do not mean to undervalue _real_ society; I will take gladly all I can that will give me mental stimulus and refreshment. But the round of fas.h.i.+on is somewhat more vapid than ever, I grant you, after a visit to my lace-mender. Those two things cannot go on together. Shall we walk home? It is not very far from here. I am afraid I have tired you!'
Betty denied that; but she walked home very silently.