Part 84 (1/2)
'Then perhaps she will not enjoy it.'
'Perhaps not.'
'But, Pitt, what do you mean? and what is this you want to show her which she does not want to see?'
'She can tell you all about it afterwards, if she chooses.'
'Perhaps she will not choose to go with you on such a doubtful invitation.'
Betty, however, declared herself ready for anything. So she was, under such guidance.
They took a cab for a certain distance; then Pitt dismissed it, and they went forward on foot. It was a dull, hot day; clouds hanging low and threatening rain, but no rain falling as yet. Rain, if decided, to a good degree keeps down exhalations in the streets of a city, and so far is a help to the wayfarer who is at all particular about the air he breathes. No such beneficent influence was abroad to-day; and Betty's impressions were not altogether agreeable.
'What part of the city is this?' she asked.
'Not a bad part at all. In fact, we are near a very fas.h.i.+onable quarter. This particular street is a business thoroughfare, as you see.'
Betty was silent, and they went on a while; then turned sharp out of this thoroughfare into a narrow alley. It was hot and close and dank enough here to make Miss Frere shrink, though she would not betray it.
But dead cats and decaying cabbage leaves, in a not very clean alley, where the sun rarely s.h.i.+nes, and briefly then, with the thermometer well up, on a summer day, altogether make an atmosphere not suited to delicate senses. Pitt picked the way along the narrow pa.s.sage, which at the end opened into a little court. This was somewhat cleaner than the alley; also it lay so that the sun sometimes visited it, though here too his visits could be but brief, for on the opposite side the court was shut in and overshadowed by the tall backs of great houses. They seemed, to Betty's fancy, to cast as much moral as physical shadow over the place. The houses in this court were small and dingy. If one looked straight up, there was a s.p.a.ce of grey cloud visible; some days it would no doubt be a s.p.a.ce of blue sky. No other thing even dimly suggesting refreshment or purity was within the range of vision. Pitt slowly paced along the row of houses.
'Who lives here?' Betty asked, partly to relieve the oppression that was creeping upon her.
'No householders, that I know of. People who live in one room, or perhaps in two rooms; therefore in every house there are a number of families. This is Martin's court. And _here_,'--he stopped before one of the doors,--'in this house, in a room on the third floor--let me suppose a case'--
'Third floor? why, there are only two stories.'
'In the garret, then,--there lives an old woman, over seventy years old, all alone. She has been ill for a long time, and suffers a great deal of pain.'
'Who takes care of her?' Betty asked, wondering at the same time why Pitt told her all this.
'She has no means to pay anybody to take care of her.'
'But how does she _live?_--if she cannot do anything for herself.'
'She can do nothing at all for herself. She has been dependent on the kindness of her neighbours. They are poor, too, and have their hands full; still, from time to time one and another would look in upon her, light a fire for her, and give her something to eat; that is, when they did not forget it.'
'And what if they did forget it?'
'Then she must wait till somebody remembered; wait perhaps days, to get her bed made; lie alone in her pain all day, except for those rare visits; and even have to hire a boy with a penny to bring her a pitcher of water; lie alone all night and wait in the morning till somebody could give her her breakfast.'
'Why do you tell me all this, Mr. Pitt?' said Betty, facing round on him.
'Ask me that by and by. Come a little farther. Here, in this next house but one, there is a man sick with rheumatism--in a fever; when I first saw him he was lying there s.h.i.+vering and in great pain, with no fire; and his daughter, a girl of perhaps a dozen years old, was trying to light a fire with a few splinters of sticks that she had picked up.
That was last winter, in cold weather. They were poverty-stricken, since the man had been some time out of work.'
'Well?' said Betty. 'I must not repeat my question, but what is all this to me? I have no power to help them. Do you know these people yourself?'
'Yes, I know them. In the last house of the row there is another old woman I want to tell you of; and then we will go. She is not ill, nor disabled; she is only very old and quite alone. She is not unhappy either, for she is a true old Christian. But think of this: in the room which she occupies, which is half underground, there is just one hour in the day when a sunbeam can find entrance. For that hour she watches; and when the sky is not clouded, and it comes, she takes her Bible and holds it in the suns.h.i.+ne to read for that blessed hour. It is all she has in the twenty-four. The rest of the time she must only think of what she has read; the place is too dark for any more.'
'Do let us go!' said Betty; and she turned, and almost fled back to the alley, and through the alley back to the street. There they walked more moderately a s.p.a.ce of some rods before she found breath and words. She faced round on her conductor again.