Part 69 (2/2)
'We pay money to support ministers and teachers. What do the ministers work with? what do they _trade_ with?'
'The truth, I suppose.'
'And how do they make the truth known? By their lips, and by their lives; the power of the word, with the power of personal influence.'
'Yes,' said Miss Frere; 'of course.'
'Then the goods, or talents, so far as they are commonly possessed, and so far as we have discovered, are three: property, speech, and personal example. But the two last are entrusted to you and me, are they not, as well as the former?'
The girl looked at him now with big eyes, in which no shadow of self-consciousness was any more lurking. Eyes that were bewildered, astonished, inquiring, and also disturbed. 'What do you mean?' she said helplessly.
'It comes to this,' said Pitt. 'If we are ready to obey the Bible, we shall use not only our money, but our tongues and ourselves to do the work which--you know--the Lord left to His disciples to do; make disciples of every creature. It will be our one business.'
'How do you mean, our one business?'
'That to which we make all others subservient.'
'Subservient! Yes,' said Miss Frere. 'Subservient in a way; but that does not mean that we should give up everything else for it.'
Pitt was silent.
'My dear boy,' said his mother anxiously, 'it seems to me you are straining things quite beyond what is intended. We are not all meant to be clergymen, are we?'
'That is not the point, mamma. The point is, what work is given us?'
'That work you speak of is clergymen's work.'
'Mamma, what is the command?'
'But that does not mean everybody.'
'Where is the excepting clause?'
'But, my dear, what would become of Society?'
'We may leave that. We are talking of obeying the Bible. I have given you one instance. Now I will give you another. It is written over here,' and he turned a few leaves,--'it is another word of Christ to those whom He was teaching,--”If any man serve me, let him follow me.”
Now here is a plain command; but what is it to follow Christ?'
'To imitate him, I suppose,' said Miss Frere, to whom he looked.
'In what?'
The young lady looked at him in silence, and then said, 'Why, we all know what it means when we say that such a person or such a thing is Christlike. Loving, charitable, kind'--
'But to _follow_ Him,--that is something positive and active. Literal following a person is to go where he has gone, through all the paths and to all the places. In the spiritual following, which is intended here,--what is it? It is to do as He did, is it not? To have His aims and purposes and views in life, and to carry them out logically.'