Part 65 (2/2)
'If they are, there is no sign of it, and I do not believe it. I have spent hours and hours at the s.h.i.+pping offices, looking over the lists of pa.s.sengers; and of one thing I am certain, they have not sailed from that port this year.'
'Not under the name by which you know them.'
'And not under any other. Colonel Gainsborough was not a man to hide his head under an alias. But they know nothing of any Colonel Gainsborough at the post office.'
'That is strange.'
'They never had many letters, you know, sir; and the colonel had given up his English paper. I think I know all the people that take the London _Times_ in New York; and he is not one of them.'
'He is gone home,' said Mr. Dallas comfortably.
'I can find that out when I go back to England; and I will.'
Miss Betty said nothing, and asked never a word, but she lost none of all this. Pitt was becoming a problem to her. All this eagerness and painstaking would seem to look towards some very close relations between the young man and these missing people; yet Pitt showed no annoyance nor signs of trouble at missing them. Was it that he did not really care? was it that he had not accepted failure, and did not mean to fail? In either case, he must be a peculiar character, and in either case there was brought to light an uncommon strength of determination.
There is hardly anything which women like better in the other s.e.x than force of character. Not because it is a quality in which their own s.e.x is apt to be lacking; on the contrary; but because it gives a woman what she wants in a man--something to lean upon, and somebody to look up to. Miss Betty found herself getting more and more interested in Pitt and in her charge concerning him; how it was to be executed she did not yet see; she must leave that to chance. Nothing could be forced here. Where liking begins to grow, there also begins fear.
She retreated to the verandah after dinner, with her embroidery. By and by Mrs. Dallas came there too. It was a pleasant place in the afternoon, for the sun was on the other side of the house, and the sea breeze swept this way, giving its saltness to the odours of rose and honeysuckle and mignonette. Mrs. Dallas sat down and took her knitting; then, before a word could be exchanged, they were joined by Pitt. That is, he came on the verandah; but for some time there was no talking.
The ladies would not begin, and Pitt did not. His attention, wherever it might be, was not given to his companions; he sat thoughtful, and determinately silent. Mrs. Dallas's knitting needles clicked, Miss Betty's embroidering thread went noiselessly in and out. Bees hummed and flitted about the honeysuckle vines; there was a soft, sweet, luxurious atmosphere to the senses and to the mind. This went on for a while.
'Mr. Pitt,' said Miss Betty, 'you are giving me no help at all.'
He brought himself and his attention round to her at once, and asked how he could be of service.
'Your mother,' began Miss Betty, st.i.tching away, 'has given me a commission concerning you. She desires me to see to it that _ennui_ does not creep upon you during your vacation in this unexciting place.
How do I know but it is creeping upon you already? and you give me no chance to drive it away.'
Pitt laughed a little. 'I was never attacked by _ennui_ in my life,' he said.
'So you do not want my services!'
'Not to fight an enemy that is nowhere in sight. Perhaps he is your enemy, and I might be helpful in another way.'
It occurred to him that _he_ had been charged to make Miss Frere's sojourn in Seaforth pleasant; and some vague sense of what this mutual charge might mean dawned upon him, with a rising light of amus.e.m.e.nt.
'I don't know!' said the young lady. 'You did once propose a drive. If you would propose it again, perhaps I would go. We cannot help its being hot?'
So they went for a drive. The roads were capital, the evening was lovely, the horses went well, and the phaeton was comfortable; if that were not enough, it was all. Miss Frere bore it for a while patiently.
'Do you dislike talking?' she asked at length meekly, when a soft bit of road and the slow movement of the horses gave her a good opportunity.
'I? Not at all!' said Pitt, rousing himself as out of a muse.
'Then I wish you would talk. Mrs. Dallas desires that I should entertain you; and how am I to do that unless I know you better?'
'So you think people's characters come out in talking?'