Part 35 (2/2)
'I think there is, ma'am,' she said, with a look up at her questioner.
'Pray what is it?'
Did she know? or did she not know? Esther was not certain; was not certain that her words would find either understanding or sympathy in all that tableful. Nevertheless, the time had come when they must be spoken. Which words? for several Bible sayings were in her mind.
'”Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord: that walketh in His ways.
For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt them be, and it shall be well with thee.”'
The most profound silence followed this utterance. It had been made in a steady and clear voice, heard well throughout the rooms, and then there was silence. Esther fancied she discerned a little sympathetic moisture in the eyes of Miss Fairbairn, but also that lady at first said nothing. At last one voice in the distance was understood to declare that its owner 'did not care about eating the labour of her hands.'
'No, my dear, you would surely starve,' replied Miss Fairbairn. 'Is that what the words mean, do you think, Miss Gainsborough?'
'I think not, ma'am.'
'What then? won't you explain?'
'There is a reference, ma'am, which I thought explained it. ”Say ye to the righteous that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.” And another word perhaps explains it. ”Oh fear the Lord, ye His saints; for there is no want to them that fear Him.”'
'No want to them, hey?' repeated Miss Fairbairn. 'That sounds very much like happiness, I confess. What do you say, Miss Lawton?--Miss Disbrow?
People that have no want unsatisfied must be happy, I should say.'
Silence. Then one young lady was heard to suggest that there were no such people in the world.
'The Bible says so, Miss Baines. What can you do against that?'
'Miss Fairbairn, there is an old woman that lives near us in the country--very poor; she is an old Christian,--at least so they say,--and she is _very_ poor. She has lost all her children and grandchildren; she cannot work any more, and she lives upon charity.
That is, if you call it living. I know she often has very little indeed to live upon, and that very poor, and she is quite alone; n.o.body to take the least care for her, or of her.'
'So you think she _does_ want some things. Miss Gainsborough, what have you to say to that?'
'What does _she_ think about it?' Esther asked.
She looked as she spoke at the young lady who had given the instance, but the latter took no notice, until Miss Fairbairn said,
'Miss Baines, a question was put to you.'
'I am sure I don't know,' Miss Baines replied. 'They _say_ she is a very happy old woman.'
'You doubt it?'
'I should not be happy in her place, ma'am. I don't see, for my part, how it is possible. And it seems to me certainly she wants a great many things.'
'What do you think, Miss Gainsborough.'
'I think the Bible must be true, ma'am.'
'That is Faith's answer.'