Part 8 (1/2)

I thought it over. I had owned a car once... but G.o.d alone knew what had become of it. I had closed out my checking account in Mojave early in the binge, and on that busy day when I ended up at Miles's place-and in the soup-I had started with maybe thirty or forty dollars in cash. Books, clothes, slide rule-I had never been a pack rat-and that minor junk was gone anyhow. ”Not even a bus transfer, Doughty.”

”Then-I am very sorry to have to tell you this-you have no a.s.sets of any sort.”

I held still while my head circled the field and came in for a crash landing. ”What do you mean? Why, some of the stocks I invested in are in fine shape. I know they are. It says so right here.” I held up my breakfast copy of the Times.

He shook his head. ”I'm sorry, Davis, but you don't own any stocks. Master Insurance went broke.”

I was glad he had made me sit down; I felt weak. ”How did this happen? The Panic?”

”No, no. It was part of the collapse of the Mannix Group but of course you don't know about that. It happened after the Panic, and I suppose you could say that it started from the Panic. But Master Insurance would not have gone under if it had not been systematically looted... gutted-'milked' is the vulgar word. If it had been an ordinary receivers.h.i.+p, something at least would have been salvaged. Hut it was not. By the time it was discovered there was nothing left of the company but a hollow sh.e.l.l and the men who had done it were beyond extradition. Uh, if it is any consolation to you, it could not happen under our present laws.”

No, it was no consolation, and besides, I didn't believe it. My old man claimed that the more complicated the law the more opportunity for scoundrels.

But he also used to say that a wise man should be prepared to abandon his baggage at any time. I wondered how often I was going to have to do it to qualify as ”wise.” ”Uh, Doughty, just out of curiosity, how did Mutual a.s.surance make out?”

”Mutual a.s.surance Company? A fine firm. Oh, they took their licking during the Panic along with everybody else. But they weathered it. You have a policy with them, perhaps?”

”No.” I did not offer explanation; there was no use. I couldn't look to Mutual; I had never executed my contract with them. I couldn't sue Master Insurance; there is no point in suing a bankrupt corpse.

I could sue Belle and Miles if they were still around-but why be silly? No proof, none.

Besides, I did not want to sue Belle. It would be better to tattoo her all over with ”Null and Void”... using a dull needle. Then I'd take up the matter of what she had done to Pete. I hadn't figured out a punishment to suit the crime for that one yet.

I suddenly remembered that it was the Mannix group that Miles and Belle had been about to sell Hired Girl, Inc., to when they had booted me out. ”Doughty? Are you sure that the Mannix people haven't any a.s.sets? Don't they own Hired Girl?”

”Hired Girl?' Do you mean the domestic autoappliance firm?”

”Yes, of course.”

”It hardly seems possible. In fact, it is not possible, since the Mannix empire, as such, no longer exists. Of course I can't say that there never was any connection between Hired Girl Corporation and the Mannix people. But I don't believe it could have been much, if any, or I think I would have heard of it.”

I dropped the matter. If Miles and Belie had been caught in the collapse of Mannix, that suited me fine. But, on the other hand, if Mannix had owned and milked Hired Girl, Inc., it would have hit Ricky as hard as it hit them. I didn't want Ricky hurt, no matter what the side issues were.

I stood up. ”Well, thanks for breaking it gently, Doughty. I'll be on my way.”

”Don't go yet. Davis... we of this inst.i.tution feel a responsibility toward our people beyond the mere letter of the contract. You understand that yours is by no means the first case of this sort. Now our board of directors has placed a small discretionary fund at my disposal to ease such hards.h.i.+ps. It-”

”No charity, Doughty. Thanks anyhow.”

”Not charity, Davis. A loan. A character loan, you might call it. Believe me, our losses have been negligible on such loans and we don't want you to walk out of here with your pockets empty.”

I thought that one over twice. I didn't even have the price of a haircut. On the other hand, borrowing money is like trying to swim with a brick in each hand... and a small loan is tougher to pay back than a million. ”Doughty,” I said slowly, ”Albrecht said that I was ent.i.tled to four more days of beans and bed here.”

”I believe that is right-I'd have to consult your card. Not that we throw people out even when their contract time is up if they are not ready.”

”I didn't suppose that you did. But what are the rates on that room I had, as hospital room and board?”

”Eh? But our rooms are not for rent in that way. We aren't a hospital; we simply maintain a recovery infirmary for our clients.”

”Yes, surely. But you must figure it, at least for cost accounting purposes.”

”Mmm... yes and no. The figures aren't allocated on that basis. The subheads are depreciation, overhead, operation, reserves, diet kitchen, personnel, and so forth. I suppose I could make an estimate.”

”Uh, don't bother. What would equivalent room and board in a hospital come to?”

”That's a little out of my line. Still... well, you could call it about one hundred dollars per day, I suppose.”

”I had four days coming. Will you lend me four hundred dollars?”

He did not answer but spoke in a number code to his mechanical a.s.sistant. Then eight fifty-dollar bills were being counted into my hand. ”Thanks,” I said sincerely as I tucked it away. ”I'll do my d.a.m.nedest to see that this does not stay on the books too long. Six percent? Or is money tight?”

He shook his head. ”It's not a loan. Since you put it as you did, I canceled it against your unused time.”

”Huh? Now, see here, Mr. Doughty, I didn't intend to twist your arm. Of course, I'm going to-”

”Please. I told my a.s.sistant to enter the charge when I directed it to pay you. Do you want to give our auditors headaches all for a fiddling four hundred dollars? I was prepared to loan you much more than that.”

”Well-I can't argue it now. Say, Mr. Doughty, how much money is this? How are price levels flow?”

”Mmmm... that is a complex question.”

”Just give me an idea? What does it cost to eat?”

”Food is quite reasonable. For ten dollars you can get a very satisfactory dinner... if you are careful to select moderately priced restaurants.”

I thanked him and left with a really warm feeling. Mr. Doughty reminded me of a paymaster I used to have in the Army. Paymasters come in only two sizes: one sort shows you where the book says that you can't have what you've got coming to you; the second sort digs through the book until he finds a paragraph that lets you have what you need even if you don't rate it.

Doughty was the second sort.

The sanctuary faced on the Wils.h.i.+re Ways. There were benches in front of it and bushes and flowers. I sat down on a bench to take stock and to decide whether to go east or west. I had kept a stiff lip with Mr. Doughty but, honestly, I was badly shaken, even though I had the price of a week's meals in my jeans.

But the sun was warm and the drone of the Ways was pleasant and I was young (biologically at least) and I had two hands and my brain. Whistling ”Hallelujah, I'm a b.u.m,” I opened the Times to the ”Help Wanted” columns.

I resisted the impulse to look through ”Professional Engineers” and turned at once to ”Unskilled.”

That cla.s.sification was darned short. I almost couldn't find it.

I got a job the second day, Friday, the fifteenth of December. I also had a mild run-in with the law and had repeated tangles with new ways of doing things, saying things, feeling about things. I discovered that ”reorientation” by reading about it is like reading about s.e.x-not the same thing.

I suppose I would have had less trouble if I had been set down in Omsk, or Santiago, or Djakarta. In going to a strange city in a strange land you know that the customs are going to be different, but in Great Los Angeles I subconsciously expected things to be unchanged even though I could see that they were changed. Of course thirty years is nothing; anybody takes that much change and more in a lifetime. But it makes a difference to take it in one bite.

Take one word I used all in innocence. A lady present was offended and only the fact that I was a Sleeper-which I hastily explained-kept her husband from giving me a mouthful of knuckles. I won't use the word here-oh yes, I will; why shouldn't I? I'm using it to explain something. Don't take my word for it that the word was in good usage when I was a kid; look it up in an old dictionary. n.o.body scrawled it in chalk on sidewalks when I was a kid.

The word was ”kink.”

There were other words which I still do not use properly without stopping to think. Not taboo words necessarily, just ones with changed meanings. ”Host” for example-”host” used to mean the man who took your coat and put it in the bedroom; it had nothing to do with the birth rate.

But I got along. The job I found was crus.h.i.+ng new ground limousines so that they could be s.h.i.+pped back to Pittsburgh as sc.r.a.p. Cadillacs, Chryslers, Eisenhowers, Lincolns-all sorts of great, big, new powerful turbobuggies without a kilometer on their clocks. Drive 'em between the jaws, then crunch! smas.h.!.+ Cras.h.!.+-sc.r.a.p iron for blast furnaces.

It hurt me at first, since I was riding the Ways to work and didn't own so much as a Grav Jumper. I expressed my opinion of it and almost lost my job... until the s.h.i.+ft boss remembered that I was a Sleeper and really didn't understand.