Part 10 (1/2)
[_Flings herself down by the altar, hidden from the back of the stage by the trees._
By Thetis, woman, you are bewitched!
[_With a cry._] Bewitched! Have I not said it?
_Enter from_ R. _back_, PRIEST _and_ ORESTES.
[_To_ ORESTES.] Here is the King himself! [_To_ PYRRHUS.] Son of Achilles, I bring you this stranger, whom your handmaid, Andromache, commended to my care.
Whence comes he, and what seeks he?
From Acarnania, banished for the slaying of a man.
He seeks not purification?
The blood is faded long ago from my hand. I seek but to rest a while at your castle; I will give payment either in battle with your enemies, or by tidings and songs from beyond Parna.s.sus and the Waters of Pelops.
[HERMIONE _looks up in amazement at the voice, utters a stifled cry, and peers round_.
It is well, stranger. Tidings are good in peace; and if war comes, an exile for manslaying may well be worth the bread he eats.
Others know if I am skilled in war. I know only that my life is little worth to me, and I care not much to save it.
A good word, Sir Guest, and worthy of the roof of Achilles. We give you greeting, my Queen and I. [_Shakes his hand, and looks round for_ HERMIONE.] Daughter of Helen, have you not seen our guest?
[_In a startled tone._] Seen him? What do you mean, my lord?