Part 31 (2/2)
The old chief groaned from his chair against the wall. ”Won't get much work done. Thank G.o.d for good storekeepers.”
Ray actually cracked a sliver of a smile at that ancient joke, then turned to Dumont. ”You got the three local girls back to their families last night?”
”Not quite, sir,” Dumont said, coming to stiff attention. Jeff looked like he wanted to crawl under the table.
”What does that mean, Sergeant?”
”Two out of three ain't bad, sir. The blimp couldn't land, sir, so we were chasing a basket it was towing behind it. Pus.h.i.+ng the mule flat a.s.s for h.e.l.l, sir. In the process of pa.s.sing the box into the basket, somehow Nikki Mulroney managed to scramble in also.”
”What was she doing in the mule, anyway?”
Dumont looked pained. ”I don't know, sir. We were kind of short on time and maybe not as organized as we should have been.”
”Kat didn't have the blimp make a go-around and drop her back in your lap?” the Colonel growled.
”Nikki persuaded Kat they really needed her to operate the vanis.h.i.+ng box,” Jeff cut in. ”The little brat can be quite persuasive when she wants to be, Annie says, and the wind really wouldn't permit a go-around.”
The Colonel paused, weighing one girl's personal tragedy against a planet's, then shrugged. ”We'll trust Kat to bring her back.” He turned to Mary. ”Can you hold the base perimeter?”
”I expect so, sir. We've got the locals in riot gear. We've got the marines. If things get too bad, we've got tear gas and pepper bombs, but they're last resorts. Only my marines have protective gear for that.”
”Understood. Supplies?”
”Not an immediate worry, sir,” Mary evaded. The Colonel seemed to weigh both what she'd said and not said, then pa.s.s it by. ”Dean, how are things going on your side?”
”Not much happening. The President and Provost are going at each other, I guess, and ignoring us.”
”You guess. You don't know?”
”We're kind of isolated on your side of the line and rather occupied keeping other access routes blocked.”
Mary stared at the holograms. She still had problems thinking of them as representing ent.i.ties more powerful than any computer she'd ever seen. Get used to it, girl.
”Dancer, you hiding here, too?” the Colonel chided.
”Wouldn't want to show them guys how to penetrate your little hideaway,” the cheeky computer responded.
”I should think Lek and you could find a way out. Lek, we still have access to the net in Refuge?”
”Yep, sir,” Mary's oldest friend drawled.
”Then maybe we could boost Dancer over the wall and into their court. It would be nice to know what those two are up to. Dean, have you decided which of them you want to win?'
”Neither,” the tweed-clad image answered.
”Consider, they're fighting each other. As soon as one wins, it will come after us. Which do you want to tackle then?”
That put the computer images into a huddle. Mary watched the clock; three minutes pa.s.sed before the Dean took a step away from his a.s.sociates. ”We can't arrive at a consensus, but eight of us agree we want the Provost dead first.”
”Dancer, could you identify some physical areas the Provost can least afford to lose?”
”Yeah, no problem. What you got in mind?”
”Harry took out the main link into here yesterday. If we send him out again, he could take out a few nodes here and there. Surprise the Provost.”
”Maybe the Pres would appreciate the help?” the Dean mused hopefully.
”*The enemy of my enemy is my friend' has long been a saying among us humans. Given the chance, maybe the President will learn the wisdom in that,” the Colonel admitted.
”But what if the Provost wins?” another holo image demanded. ”Where will that put us?”
”No worse off than before. We'll still have weakened the Provost in the preliminary round. Less to fight in the main one,” the Colonel pointed out.
There seemed to be general agreement on that among the holograms. ”Let's get cracking,” Net Dancer said. Lek headed out the door; shortly after, Dancer disappeared from the display. Ray turned his attention to Harry. ”Up to another run?”
”No problem. Who can you lend me?”
”Mary?” Ray said, pa.s.sing her the problem.
The captain scowled. ”Boss, anyone outside ain't inside keeping the outside out.” That got a few smiles. ”I guess I lend him the two marines he had yesterday. I keep Ca.s.sie.”
”Three's a mighty small team,” Ray countered.
”I'll go with Harry,” Jeff put in. ”My hands are healing fine. I think Old Ned will join me, too.”
”This kid's officer material,” the Colonel joked. ”He's learned to volunteer other people. Okay, five it is then.”
”Have you decided what kind of attack you can launch when the time comes?” the Dean asked in the silence that followed Harry and Jeff's leaving.
”I'm still thinking about it” was all the Colonel said. ”Thank you for your time. I'm about due for my next meeting.”
Most filed out. Mary stayed in her seat, as did Doc and the padre. Chief Barber moved up to the table as a yeoman led Ms. San Paulo and her staff in. The Colonel introduced the Dean and his ten present a.s.sociates. San Paulo ignored them; Ray made no attempt to change that. ”What can we do about the food situation?” he said to begin the meeting.
”You'll have to feed all these people you turned into refugees,” she countered.
”You have control of the food reserves.”
”The landers wanted a market economy. Farmers are free to set their own prices.”
”And what's stored in the silos-”
”Is privately owned. They may dispose of it as they choose.”