Part 60 (1/2)
”I do not remember having had the pleasure of your acquaintance.”
”I am Beverly Robinson.”
”Indeed! Ah, now I remember. May I ask what brought you here?”
The tory did not like the brusque question, but he was a diplomat and fenced ably.
”I have heard of your prowess on the field and of your sufferings in captivity, and I have felt that, though we differ in politics, we are children of the same mountains and ought to be friends.”
”If you are loyal to Vermont, differences of opinion will not affect me.”
”Spoken like the brave man I knew you to be.”
”Did you come here to tell me this?”
”Partly, and more especially to discuss the future of Vermont.”
”Yes; we are in a strange predicament. We have cut loose from the mother country, and the new country will not have us.”
”That is one way of looking at the matter.”
”Is it not the true one?”
”It may be.”
”Well, why not pledge ourselves to remain neutral?”
”To remain neutral?”
”Yes. If we were to call a convention and pa.s.s a resolution to the effect that in the war between England and the colonies--I beg pardon, States--Vermont would remain absolutely neutral, we should be in a good position.”
”In what way?”