Part 41 (1/2)
”Yes, so--so I understood, and I wanted to say that I hoped you wouldn't think I had been inconsid----”
”What does it matter to me, how long or how short your wooing is? They say lovers are self-centred, but really I think you're the worst I ever met. I must confess I wasn't thinking of you, Mr. Derosne.”
”What?” exclaimed d.i.c.k.
”Is it possible you haven't heard of my engagement?” she asked in the sweetest tone.
”Yes--to Mr. Norburn,” and she watched the effect with obvious pleasure.
d.i.c.k pulled himself together. She had made a fool of him; that was pretty clear now it was too late to help it.
”I hadn't heard. I congratulate you,” he said, stiffly and awkwardly.
”Thanks. Of course that was what I meant when I said my feelings could never change. How odd you must have thought it of me, if you didn't know!”
”Well, I--I didn't quite understand.”
”You seemed puzzled and I couldn't understand why. We were both thinking of ourselves too much, I suppose!”
”May I ask if you have been engaged long?”
”Oh, not actually engaged very long, but, like yours, it's been an old acquaintance, and--if you won't betray me--perhaps a little more for ever so long.”
d.i.c.k was not quite sure whether he believed the lady or not. He ought to have wished to believe her; as a fact, he was extremely reluctant to do so, but Daisy's look was so candid and at the same time so naturally shy, in making her little avowal, that he was almost convinced that the semi-tragedy of their parting scene a few weeks before had been all acting on her side. Alicia could have undeceived him, but, for reasons tolerably obvious, d.i.c.k did not rehea.r.s.e this interview to Alicia or to any one else.
”Ah! here comes Mr. Norburn!” cried Daisy, rosy with delight. ”You must congratulate one another.”
This very hollow ceremony was duly performed, and d.i.c.k left the lovers together. In fact he may be said to have made his exit in a somewhat shamefaced manner. Fortune put him at a disadvantage in that his partner was far away, while Daisy stood triumphant by the side of hers and watched him.
”Upon my honour,” he exclaimed, hitting viciously at a flower, ”I believe she was humbugging me all the time!” And from that day to this he thinks Miss Medland a flirt, and is very glad, for that among other weighty reasons, that he had nothing more to do with her.
Her behaviour towards d.i.c.k Derosne was fairly typical of Daisy Medland's att.i.tude towards the world at large at this time. She made the mistake, natural enough, of being defiant, of emphasising outwardly an indifference that she did not feel, of antic.i.p.ating slights and being ready to resent slurs which were never intended or inflicted. There are so many people in the world who want only an excuse for being kind, but yet do want that, and who are ready to give much, but must be asked.
There were many among the upper circles of Kirton society who would have been ready enough to act a friendly part, to overlook much, to play protector to the girl, and do a favour to a man who had been and might again be powerful; but they too needed to be asked--not of course in words, but by a hint of grat.i.tude waiting for them, a touch of deference, some kind of appeal from the loneliness and desolation of a doubtful position to the comfortable regions of unaspersed respectability. They could not help feeling that Daisy, though by no fault of hers, was yet one who should ask and accept as favours what among equals are no more than courtesies. The knowledge of this point of view drove Daisy into strong revolt against it: she was more, not less, offhand than of yore; more, not less, ready to ignore people with whom she was not in sympathy; more, not less, unscrupulous in outraging the small conventions of society. And, unfortunately, Norburn was a man to encourage instead of discouraging her in this course, for conventions and respectability had always been a red rag to him. In the result the isolation of the Medland household from most of the families of their own level in the town, and from all of a higher, if there were any such, grew from day to day, until it seemed that Daisy's ”We three against the world!” was to come true so far as the world meant the social circle of their neighbours. Medland himself was too engrossed with larger matters to note the progress of this outlawry: when he did for a moment turn his thoughts from the campaign he was engrossed with, there was only one face in Kirton society whose countenance or aversion troubled him: and that one was sternly and irrevocably turned away.
Thus Daisy, though she might be cheered in the streets, and though she bore herself with exuberant gaiety out of doors, pa.s.sed lonely evenings, especially when Norburn left her to help in the country elections. The Chief Justice had been to see her once, and Lady Perry had left a card, but she was almost always alone, and then the exuberant gaiety would evaporate. One evening about half-past nine, she was sitting alone, wis.h.i.+ng her father or her lover would come back to her, when there was a knock at the door. Alicia Derosne came in, with a hasty, almost furtive, step.
”You are alone, aren't you? I saw Mr. Medland was away.”
”Yes, I am alone,” said Daisy, doubtful whether to put on her armour or not.
”Oh, Daisy, I've never been able to come and wish you joy yet. I wouldn't do it by letter. I'm so glad. You are happy, aren't you?” and she took Daisy's two hands and kissed her.
”Yes, I am very happy. It's sweet of you to come. How did you manage it?”
Neither cared to pretend that Lady Eynesford would approve of such a visit.
”Oh, I slipped out,” said Alicia, nestling beside her friend. ”Poor child! What things you have been through! Still--you have Mr. Norburn.”