Part 2 (1/2)

My leetle Pagan,

May I come up? I see you on the terrace in the suns.h.i.+ne and in the moonlight with arms outstretched to the heavens, wors.h.i.+ping the elements. But you who wors.h.i.+p nature, you give to the world yourself the perfume of the rose, the suns.h.i.+ne playing among the leaves, the song of the wild bird of the woods. I can imagine you dancing in the forest to the strange notes of Pan. Nature is just, but often ruthless. I pray civilization may not bring you ruin.



I haven't told a soul about yesterday's letter, nor have I yet put down my next thrilling adventure, but Aunt manages to keep a fairly watchful eye on Checkers and me. Being twins, we are much alike and always under suspicion of what Uncle John used to call ”collusion.” So far we've behaved very well, but when we do anything we should not, she says, ”There's your uncle cropping out,” or ”You're as wild as hawks; where do you two get these ways?” and then I answer her with this song:

”I'm a little prairie flower Growing wilder every hour; I don't care what you say to me, For I'm as wild as I can be.”

Checkers has a little cart and horse such as the Roman swells drive; he hunts in the Campagna, and everybody simply loves his American slang. When people remark how much we are alike, he retorts, ”Sure!

We're twins, and she's as close to me as my glove.”

But my adventure--well!. Yesterday I was out shopping alone when I noticed a man was following me at a distance. I hurried home, not daring to turn around, but he followed me all the way, and then proceeded to walk up and down outside my window in Italian fas.h.i.+on. I could only see the top of his silk hat, but I thought just for fun I would throw him a rose. Aunt caught me at it and she certainly was scandalized; hereafter I am never to go out alone.

Louisa, looking rather demure, came in this afternoon and announced the American Secretary. And who do you think came with him? The Russian Prince of the steamer. And that isn't all, for it was he who followed me home! Now that he has been properly introduced, Aunt has forgiven him everything, and is all smiles. He talked to her most of the time, not to me, and she says he is very agreeable. I adore his broken English, but how is he going to smuggle letters to me, unless maybe Louisa will continue to help?

Auntie is perking up and taking notice. She is certainly getting frisky. Our good old Cart Horse, as she calls herself because she thinks she does all the work, has come out of mourning and invested in a lot of new, artistic clothes,--lovely colors, but floppy--that go rather well with her reddish hair. She's making a specialty of artists, and of one artist in particular, a temperamental soul, dark and handsome with wild hair called Don Peppi, who is painting her portrait.

In the midst of a party last evening I was introduced to Captain Carlo somebody--I've forgotten the rest of his name--who at once began a desperate flirtation with me. Desperate indeed, for he's a das.h.i.+ng young Italian officer who wears his beautiful uniform most smartly, and speaks good English and dances simply divinely. Checkers says he hunts on the Campagna, and being a reckless rider, cuts quite a figure there. I think he may be a close second to the Prince. When we were leaving, he got our things for us, and he, and the American Secretary, the Turkish Amba.s.sador, ”Pan,” they call him, and a Spanish diplomat, Marquis Gonzaga, managed between them to put us properly in our carriage. This is LIFE!


_Rome, February._

Cherished little Hummingbird,

I wish to know you better--you who throw me the red rose the color of your lips when I so wickedly follow you home. Your skin it resemble the pure white snow upon the steppes of Siberia, your hair the golden doubloons found in the depth of the Spanish Main, and your blue eyes the fairy sea on which we met. But when I draw near to catch you on that boat _Cleopatra_ (has her spirit entered your soul to haunt me?) I find you vanish through the fingers like a card in the hands of a magician.

I inquire of you in Rome--no one know about hummingbirds--I am in despair. Then the saints are kind. I see you on your terrace. I wait at your door. I send you a letter by your maid. You not reply and you not look at me when you pa.s.s by me in the street. I follow. But you vanish again into the door of that dark palazzo. I ask the concierge your name--he will not tell. Outside I wait, and the saints they are still kind. Down from Heaven falls the rose!

Next day I see the Secretaire Americain, my old friend as I remember at once. We meet on the street outside the palazzo--he say he goes in there to make call on lovely American young lady. I take him by the arm, I beg, I implore him to introduce me,--ah, I am so desperate!

Perhaps he have pity on one who suffer so much. He take me in and--I have to talk to your Aunt. He speak all the time to you, and I have to see you together and talk only to the Aunt. Are you willing I should come again, Cleopatra girl? Post Scriptum. I come again anyway!


_Rome, February._

The das.h.i.+ng Italian officer, Captain Carlo, with the piercing eyes and the Roman nose, gave a dinner last night at the Grand Hotel. He's not exactly goodlooking but very attractive--almost as fascinating as the Prince whose letters certainly do amuse me. Later the carriage was to come to take me to the d.u.c.h.ess Sermoneta's dance. Well! I made my adieux and started to leave the hotel.