Chapter 696 - Truth Behind Judgment (2/2)

Once she finished speaking, she turned to leave. She was way overtime today. She began to wonder if Chef had already started cooking – she was famished.

“Stop right there!” The man was enraged now. He reached out and tried to pull Shen Ying back. Shen Ying had guessed correctly. His powers were deteriorating. In other words, if he failed to kill her today, he would lose his chances of winning forever. There were so many planes in the void as well. If she really did not want to see him again, perhaps he would not be able to find her again before his powers completely dissipated. That was why this was his only chance. This was his only chance to reclaim the title of being the judge!

His expression hardened. Since he could not successfully persuade Shen Ying into giving up the position, he thought of some other way to threaten her.

“I could tolerate the Big Dao Organization’s existence. If you leave, aren’t you afraid that I would attack the other planes?”

“…” Who cares? Shen Ying did not even bother to turn back. It was more important to her that she got her food.

“Don’t forget – you still have those two beloved assistants of yours. It might be easy for you to walk away, but it would not be as easy for either of them to protect their planes.”

“…” Shen Ying slowed down.

“Oh, that’s right.” Seeing that his ploy was working, the man’s heart leapt. He continued to threaten her, “You seem to have another older sister as a manager on a higher plane. Perhaps I should start from her.”

Shen Ying stopped walking altogether, but she did not turn around. Her fist tightened around the fruit in her hand, reducing it to dust immediately. All the juices flowed down her fingers as she said in a cool voice, “Say that again?” Who do you want to attack?

The man’s smile looked even more evil. “I remember that her plane isn’t too far from here, right? I wonder how long that manager would be able to survive under my palm?”


Before he could finish speaking, several beams of red light flashed all around him. Immediately, four translucent red walls came up around them, forming a huge red box that trapped them within.

The man looked at the walls with caution. “An encapsulation seal?” But he had never seen a seal like this before.

Shen Ying slowly turned around. Her nonchalant face was now hardened. Her gaze was so icy that it chilled him to his bones. It was almost as if he could freeze to death just by looking at her. There was a frightening aura that surrounded her, and which surged toward him continuously. Suddenly, it filled the entire box. Rage and murderous intent threatened to kill all forms of life within the box. Even the man who was supposed to be a judge, became frightened. He instinctively took a step back.

At the same time, he heard Shen Ying shout.

“I dare you to touch even one strand of hair on my sister’s head!”


The man jumped. A moment later, excitement overcame him. He began to laugh aloud, “Hahaha… That’s right. You have no other choice now. Fight me.” He summoned all the powers he had as a judge. “Otherwise, I will kill your sister… Pu!’

Before he could finish speaking, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Shen Ying, who had been at least ten steps away from him, suddenly appeared right in front of his face. She punched him squarely in the chest.

He felt immense pain shooting through his entire body. Her frightening powers threatened to crush all of his bones. Even his own powers stirred and seemed to flow out of his body after just one blow from Shen Ying.