Part 22 (1/2)

11 | 29.865 | +12.6 | b. c. m. o. s. b. c. s. drifting.

12 | 29.71 | +12. | b. m much drift.

13 | 29.644 | +10.5 | b. m. b. drifting.

14 | 29.65 | +10. | b. m. b.

15 | 29.816 | +12.6 | b. b. m. b. drifting.

16 | 29.899 | +13.3 | b. m. b. much drift.

17 | 29.84 | + 7.6 | b. m. b. drifting.

18 | 29.869 | + 7.3 | b. c. o. b. c. m. much drift.

19 | 29.9 | + 6.7 | b. c. s. o. m. Solar halo with prismatic | | | colours and parhelia.

20 | 29.9 | + 8 | b. m. b. drifting.

21 | 30.329 | + 7 | b. c. b. c. m.

22 | 30.276 | + 9.6 | b. m. b. c. s. o. s. b. c. s. drifting.

23 | 30.459 | + 9.3 | b. m. b. c. cirrus; Venus visible for the | | | first time, the horizon having been too hazy | | | to see her sooner.

24 | 30.326 | + 7 | b.

25 | 30.008 | + 6 | b. b. c. much refraction.

26 | 30.221 | + 8.3 | b. m. c. b. c. s.

27 | 30.146 | +12 | b. m. c. b. c. s. b. c. m. drifting along | | | the ground.

28 | 30.073 | +11 | b. m. drifting.

Fort Hope, Repulse Bay, --_Abstract of Meteorological Journal for March, 1847._

------+-------------------------------+--------------------------------- Day | Temperature of the Atmosphere | of | taken eight times | Prevailing Winds.

the | in twenty-four hours. | Month.+----------+----------+---------+--------------------------+------ |_Highest._| _Lowest._| _Mean._ | _Direction._ |Force.

------+----------+----------+---------+--------------------------+------ | _deg. m._| _deg. m._|_deg. m._| | 1 | -30.5 | -45 | -37.5 | N. by W. Chble. N.W. | 0-2 | | | | by N. | 2 | -30.5 | -40.5 | -35.4 | N.W. by N. N.N.W. | 2-4 3 | -30 | -37 | -33.7 | N.W. by N. N.N.W. | 4-7 4 | -27 | -38 | -32 | N. by W. N.W. by N. | 4-7 5 | -26 | -33 | -28.4 | N. by W. N.W. by N. | 8-6 6 | -27 | -33 | -29.4 | N. by W. | 8-4 7 | -27.5 | -37 | -33 | N.N. E. | 7-5 8 | -25 | -31.5| -27.5 | N. N. by W. N.N.W. | 7-9 9 | -20 | -30.5 | -25.3 | N.N.W. N.W. by N. | 4-2 10 | -21 | -33.5 | -27.2 | N.W. N.N.W. | 1-4 11 | -10.7 | -27.5 | -20 | N.W. by N. N. by W. | 1-3 12 | -19.5 | -30.5 | -23.7 | N.N.W. N. N. by W. | 8-10 13 | -15 | -19.5 | -16.5 | N.N.W. | 10-12 14 | -13.5 | -15 | -14.5 | N. by W. | 11-7 15 | -11 | -19 | -14.2 | N. N.N.W. | 8-5 16 | -7.7 | -19 | -11.7 | N.W. by N. N. by W. | 3-6 17 | -24 | -30 | -26.5 | N. W.N.W. W. | 1-6 18 | -18.7 | -37.5 | -29.1 | Calm. S.S.E. W. | 0-6 19 | -14 | -29.5 | -21.4 | W. Vble. | 2-1 20 | -23.5 | -32.5 | -29.1 | N.N.W. N. N. by W. | 6-4 21 | -23 | -29.5 | -25.9 | W.N.W. | 10-7 22 | -16 | -27 | -21.6 | N W. by N. W. | 6-1 23 | -16 | -33 | -22.6 | N.W. Chble. N. by W. | 1-6 24 | -29 | -33.5 | -30.9 | N. by W. N.N.W. | 9-7 25 | -27 | -35 | -30.4 | N. by W. N.N.W. | 7-9 26 | -26.5 | -35.5 | -30.6 | N. by W. | 6-8 27 | -24.5 | -34 | -28.1 | N. by W. N.N.W. | 6-8 28 | -26 | -35 | -30.2 | N. by W. | 2-7 29 | -22 | -33 | -26.37 | N.N.W. N. W.N.W. | 8-5 30 | -15 | -32 | -20.54 | N.W. N. by W. | 2-6 31 | -6 | -14 | -8.6 | N.N.W. N.W. by N. | 7-6 | | | ------ | | | | 811.91 | | | | ------ | | | | -28.1 |

----+----------------------+-------------------------------------------- Day | Barometer and | of | Thermometer | Mon.| attached. | Remarks on the Weather, &c.

+----------------------+ | _Barom._ | _Thermo._ | ----+----------+-----------+-------------------------------------------- 1 | 30.152 | + 4.3 | b. b.

2 | 30.296 | + 4 | b.

3 | 30.268 | + 4.6 | b. m. drifting. The wind between noon and | | | 2 P.M. went round for a few minutes, and | | | then went back to its old direction.

4 | 30.399 | + 6.3 | b. m. drifting.

5 | 30.492 | + 7 | b. m. b. c. m. much drift.

6 | 30.63 | +11.3 | b. c. m. drifting.

7 | 30.514 | +10.5 | b. m. drifting.

8 | 30.232 | + 7.6 | b. c. m. much drift.

9 | 30.194 | + 8 | b. b. c.

10 | 30.179 | + 4 | b. b. c. cirrus.

11 | 30.305 | + 4.7 | b.

12 | 30.449 | + 9.7 | b. m. much drift.

13 | 30.089 | + 7 | b. q. thick drift.

14 | 30.07 | + 5 | b. m. q. b. c. m. much drift.

15 | 30.886 | +13 | b. c. m. q. b. c. m. o. m. drifting.

16 | 29.578 | +12 | o. s. b. c. s. b. c. drifting.

17 | 29.814 | + 6.6 | b. c. b. q. drifting.