Part 21 (1/2)

I recollected how my crucifix had been mysteriously reduced to ashes, and nodded in the affirmative, wondering whether I should ever succeed in obtaining knowledge of the truth which she evidently possessed.

”Yet you had the audacity to love her!” she laughed. ”You thought that she--this woman whom all the world would hound down if they knew the true facts--could love you in return! It is amazing how a pretty face can lead the strongest-willed man to ruin.”

I rather resented her att.i.tude in thus interfering in my private affairs. That I admired her was true; yet I was not her lover, and she had no right to object to any of my actions.

”I cannot see that I have been so near ruin as you would make out,” I exclaimed, philosophically. ”An unrequited love is an incident in most men's lives.”

”Ah! she spared you!” she cried. ”If she had smitten you, you would have perished as swiftly as objects dissolve into ashes when she is present. At least she pitied you. And you were doubly fortunate.”

”Yes,” I said, reflecting upon her words, at the same time recollecting her mysterious connection with poor Roddy Morgan. ”She was without doubt endowed with a power that was inexplicable.”

”Inexplicable!” she echoed. ”It was supernatural. Things withered at her touch.”

”If I, your friend, am fortunate in my escape, would it not be but an act of friends.h.i.+p to explain to me all you know concerning her?”

Her dark, luminous eyes met mine in a long, earnest glance.

”No!” she answered, after a moment's reflection. ”I have already explained. You have escaped; the incident is ended.” And she added with a laugh, ”Your neglect of me was, of course, fully justified in such circ.u.mstances.”

”Now, that's unfair, Muriel,” I exclaimed. ”I had no intention of neglecting you, neither had I the slightest suspicion that you desired me to say farewell to you. Have you not told me that you have an admirer whom you could love? Surely that is sufficient. Love him, and we may always remain friends, as we now are.”

”No!” she responded, with a dark look of foreboding. ”We cannot remain friends longer. Our mutual confidence is shattered. We may be acquaintances, but nothing more.”

I had not mentioned poor Roddy's death, for it was a subject so painful that I discussed it as little as possible. Was it not, however, likely that if I explained all the circ.u.mstances and told her my suspicions, her hatred might lead her to disclose some clue whereby I might trace Aline Cloud?

Her words had caused me considerable misgiving, for it was now entirely plain that, contrary to what I had confidently believed, namely, that she loved me, she in reality held me in contempt as weak and fickle, influenced by every pretty face or wayward glance.

I looked at her again. Yes, my eyes were not love-blinded now. She was absolutely bewitching in her beauty. For the first time I became aware that there was but one woman I really loved, and that it was Muriel.

”I regret that you should not consider me to be still worthy your confidence,” I said, bending towards her seriously. ”I have admitted everything, and have expressed regret. What more can I do?”

”Forget her!” she answered, with a quick petulance. ”It is best to forget.”

”Ah!” I sighed. ”That is unfortunately impossible.”

”Then you love her still!” she cried, turning upon me. ”You love her!”

”No,” I answered. ”I do not love her, because--”

”Because she treated you shabbily, and left without giving you her address, eh? You see, I know all the circ.u.mstances.”

”You are mistaken,” I protested. ”I do not love her because I entertain a well-founded if perhaps absurd suspicion.”

”Suspicion! What do you suspect?” she asked quickly.

Then, linking my arm in hers, I walked on, and commencing at the beginning told her of that fateful day when I discovered the tragic death of poor Roddy, and the circ.u.mstances which, combined with Aline's own confession, seemed to point to her being his visitor, immediately prior to his death.

As she listened her face grew ashen, and she perceptibly trembled. A violent emotion shook her slight frame, and as I continued to relate my dismal story and piece together the evidence which I felt certain must some day connect Aline with the tragedy, I was dumbfounded to discern that which, in a single instant, changed the whole aspect of the situation.

Muriel was speechless. She was trembling with fear.