Chapter 15 (2/2)

At this very moment, everything started echoing in unison.

A lightly scented fragrance suffused the atmosphere. A sphere of white mist enveloped the entire place while the rumbling thunder still sounded.

Chu Feng heard continual ringing in his ears, then he felt his body, his mind and his spirit all resonated with the vibration in the air. He could hardly hear anything but a faint hissing sound.

The hissing sound gradually crescendo, then he realized it was following the exact breathing rhythm of the golden calf.

The pattern perfectly synchronized with the pace of the calf's breathing rhythm.

He could even hear the sound of the calf's flowing blood. Its sound acoustically resonated with its breathing pattern. He realized that only as the two sounds functioned together in harmony could any extraordinary effects be given rise to.

Bellow, thunder and mist appeared all at once. Chu Feng could feel a sense of G.o.dly essence coming into his body.

Chu Feng opened his eyes. The mist had dissipated, then all went into the body of the calf. He nodded at the calf as a form of grat.i.tude.

Chu Feng now understood. Until just then, he was only practicing the superficial ”form” of this very breathing pattern as he tried to imitate the action of the calf. It was only now that he started to take in the essential ”spirit” of this breathing system.

The ”spirit” of a breathing system had been pa.s.sed to him by the golden calf through a very special means. This ”spirit” deserved to be called as an esotericism, since in practice, form without spirit was worth nothing.

He started to keep his mind on resuming the practice of this breathing pattern, and now, after he had taken in the ”spirit”, everything started to feel different. The effects were immediate. Bathing in the rising sun, he felt both vigorous and spirited.

He had been experiencing an unprecedented feeling of relaxation and comfort on this particular morning. Every single one of his pores felt loosened and relaxed. He felt a stream of warmth surging within his body.

Chu Feng kept his body unmoved, fully immersing himself in the breathing pattern. The golden morning glow scattered on his body, casting a layer of faint golden l.u.s.ter on his face.

The golden calf was wide-mouthed and surprised. It gazed at Chu Feng for quite a while until Chu Feng finally opened his eyes again.

The sun had risen high and above. Chu Feng felt that his body was full of strength and vigor. Although he had only slept for less than three hours last night, he still had an unspeakable feeling of leisure and relief.

”How magical!” Chu Feng exclaimed in admiration.

It was a sense of comfort and contentment that he had never felt before. His body was permeated with a glittering l.u.s.ter. His vigor was abundant and plentiful. He felt his body and his core had become a grand reservoir to provide himself an endless source of strength and energy.

He wanted to continue, since to him, these exercises felt like heaven.

However, the golden calf stopped him, hinting that no more was needed for today.

”Only this much for a day?” Chu Feng seemed surprised.

The golden calf nodded.

This, to Chu Feng, came as a surprise.

Chu Feng then went inside the house and did a thorough cleaning and dusting of the room that had been vacant for years. His housekeeping was then followed by him going out for shopping.

To his surprise, the shopping center was quite empty. He had to walk some extra miles before he could finally gather some necessities that could last for at least a few days.

Clearly, all the recent reports on all kinds of strange occurrences had made everyone quite jittery. People had rushed to collect and stock up on the necessities needed in case of an apocalypse.

”Zhou Quan was right. I reckon we should give you a name. Otherwise, I don't know what to call you.” Chu Feng had been considering to ask the calf for its original name, but the calf only replied with a few bellows. Those, to Chu Feng who clearly could not speak the words of the bovine language, meant nothing.

”Demon Ox could be a good name,” He advised.

But his suggestion was soon welcomed by the golden calf with a disdainful look, partly because it always thought that Zhou Quan was an overwhelmingly idiotic person, and as such, the calf could not care less about the name suggested by him.

In the end, Chu Feng had to invent a few more arbitrary names for suggestions, but amongst them, the calf seemed rather delighted when hearing the name, ”Yellow Ox”.

Chu Feng was astounded. There were still some other creative names on top of Chu Feng's mind, but none of them seemed to be able to shake the calf out of its fond with the name, ”Yellow Ox”.

Chu Feng had a rather strange look. He wondered how Zhou Quan would react to this name when they meet next time. Zhou Quan had exerted himself in finding the name, ”Demon Ox”, but who would have thought that this calf would rather be plainly called as ”Yellow Ox”, a bleak and barren name that could even seduce yawning from the most boring person in the world.

”How about we think of another one?” Chu Feng suggested.

”MOOOOO!” The Ox glared with a look that suggested its discontent.

Its body was s.h.i.+ning with a golden l.u.s.ter. This was its treasure as well as its pride. ”Are there any more facts that the calf wishes to hid?” Chu Feng conjectured. For instance, gold might have flowed in its internal vessel in which the blood and qi circulated, and this made it especially fond of the name that encompa.s.sed the word, ”Yellow”. ”Can this possibly be the case?” Chu Feng questioned.

It was noon. Chu Feng prepared some fresh straw for Yellow Ox along with some pears and apples. He also fed himself with some simple dishes.

Then, he carefully withdrew a stone box from his bag. The box was the same three-inch cube that he had found at the foot of Kunlun. It was still simple and unsophisticated.

The yellow ox showed an unusual look in its eyes when it saw the stone box. It quietly crept up to Chu Feng.

”Don't! This is not something you want to eat!” Chu Feng warned it.

Yellow Ox stared at those seeds in the box. One of them was black as a charcoal, the other was flattened, and the last one looked all shrivelled and pathetic. Having seen the state of those seeds, Yellow Ox instantly put on a disdainful look on its face.

”Don't scorn them.” Chu Feng was purposefully trying to sound mystical. ”These are not some ordinary seeds.”

He knew that the more he talked in this way, the less Yellow Ox would be interested in the seeds themselves. Otherwise, there was of every likelihood that Yellow Ox would just come over, gulp and swallow all three seeds down its throat. In that case, no one would be able to prevent the inevitable death of these seeds.


Yellow Ox shook its head as it scornfully laughed at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng dug a hole in the yard, then he said, ”Ok, let me tell you. I want this first seed to become Hsi w.a.n.g Mu, the second to be the Fairy of the Ninth Heaven, and the third… hmm… leave me for now to think about it.”
