Chapter 5 (1/2)
Chapter 5: The Flower Blooms
Near the top of the mountain is so quiet, there’s no voice to be heard.
The three wild beasts didn’t put their attention on Chu Feng, literally they just ignore him.
Chu Feng is far from the mountain top, and the beasts knows that he didn’t bring any danger for them so they just ignore him.
These three creatures sure have a little kind heart inside.
“It’s a chance to run now!”
Chu Feng decides to go down the mountain, although he still curious about the small tree in the mountain and his thirst for the truth, but in the current situation, he’s in a real danger and he can lose his life at any time.
The aroma becomes richer, it spreads from the bronze mountain.
The mastiff moves, fast like lightning, it dashes through the boulders and rushes towards the mountain top.
A black yak, with a black and s.h.i.+ny fur all over its body, with a pair of horns, it leaps its step, following behind the mastiff.
It runs so smooth without losing its balance, easily it arrives on the top of the bronze mountain.
The flying eagle on the midair, with golden eyes s.h.i.+ning, its bright fur and elegant wings, flying high in the air approaches the top while locking its eyes on the tree.
Just at the time Chu Feng is about to run, the aroma becomes more reach, the flower is going to bloom.
Although the distance is pretty far, but Chu Feng can heard clearly the sound of blooming flower, the tree now holds a silver white like bone, a fist-sized flower blooms.
Blooming flower has its own voice!
The aroma is lingering, more rich than before, it’s like it brings a magical effect, it is so fascinating.
Just at the moment, the three creatures are all on the mountain cliff, they are like swallowing the fragrance with their big mouth.
Chu Feng turns his head, he was surprised by the scene, the creatures’ surely shock him till he staggered.
The three creatures can’t hold themselves, they thirst for fight and finally unleashed their wild nature.
The voices are spreading out, the silver white flower spreads it petals all over, with a slight fog in the air and the voices of blooming flower, it is really fascinating!
Chu Feng feels panic, what is this flower, the aroma sure is lingering, it makes him can’t hold to turn and rush back to the mountain.
The three-feet tall has a silver white and fist-sized flower, with a slight fog spreads in the air on the bronze mountain, it brings a feel of sacred.
The petals have gold spots, it s.h.i.+nes through the fog, the golden spots s.h.i.+ne together with the starts.
This kind of scenery is so magnificent, yet charming.
The three creatures are waiting for this moment, waiting for the flower blooms!
The creatures are fighting on their own, with their claws and fangs baring, this is the nature of the wilds, they’re fighting for the flower.
The black yak arrives, it brings a powerful energy through the mountain.
The golden eagle bares its claws in the midair and hits on the yak’s horns.
The mastiff is growling but its voice is low.
The creatures are fighting and tried to kill each other, they are keep fighting for the blooming flower.
At this time, the three growls fiercely together.
The scenery on the bronze mountain for now is magnificent, with golden spots s.h.i.+ning on the silver white petals, s.h.i.+ning bright like the stars.
The mastiff has its claws stab on the petal.
A strong wind blows, the golden eagle flying in the air rushes to that mastiff, it looks like the eagle wants to shred the mastiff with it claws.
They weren’t fighting like this a moment ago, it is because after the flower bloomed, they are fighting like this!
At the time the eagle flaps its wings, the petals are falling from its claws, along with the strong wind that blows down the mountain.
This place is very steep, the white fog quickly spreads down to where Chu Feng stands.
He lifts his hand and catch a petal, the aroma stays the same, makes him feel drunk, he takes a clear look on it, the golden spots on the flower has a s.h.i.+ny layer.
“It’s the pollen!”
There’s a layer of pollen on the petal.
Chu Feng catches more petals into his hands, the other two petals has a slight less aroma, on the other petals have a pollen on top of it and the aroma is rich.
The creatures on the top are looking down for a while, their eyes are cold, then they continue to kill each other.
Chu Feng holds tightly of the petals.
But, he quickly realizes something is strange, the petals on his hands are not s.h.i.+ning as before and have a different smells, then he opens his hand, he finds out that the s.h.i.+ning pollen is gone, the petals wither too!
Just at that time, the petals lose their life, no more s.h.i.+ning, and withered just like that.
What on earth is happening?
He tries to close his palm, the withered petals turn into dust.