Part 4 (1/2)

This command was obeyed with such good effect that three of the savages fell, and their fellows, dropping the timber, ran to cover with the greatest possible haste.

At the same moment the children fired, the Indians in hiding discharged their weapons, detonations being echoed and reechoed from mountain to mountain, until it sounded as if a severe engagement was in progress.

”Any one hurt?” Mark cried, and Susan and Luke replied cheerily in the negative.

One of the three Indians wounded while advancing with the tree-trunk succeeded in crawling off to the shelter of the underbrush; but the other two remained where they had fallen.

When, two or three minutes later, an Abenakis darted out from his place of concealment, Mark raised his weapon quickly; but Susan cried, warningly:

”Don't fire! It can do us no harm if they take away the wounded, and it's possible they'll go back to the harbor island, if the injured can be carried off!”

”I'm beginning to think it is you who should be in command here,”

Mark said, half to himself, as he lowered his weapon. ”You've got more sound sense than Luke and I together.” Then, raising his voice, he cried, loudly, ”Listen, ye Abenakis, whom our fathers have fed when you were hungry, and sheltered when you were cold, but who would murder us now! Take away your wounded, if you are minded to go back to the harbor island, and no one shall harm you while so doing.

The white men of Mount Desert have never broken faith with you, nor will we, their children.”

Then was done that which proves how much stranger than fiction is truth. The Abenakis, although they had come there to kill or make prisoners the wives and children of those men who had ever been their friends, did not question the faith of the lad when he announced that they might bear off the wounded in safety, but boldly advanced within short range to the aid of their fellows.

”Why do you seek to kill us, who have never done you harm?” Mark cried, when four of the band stood in full view while lifting the wounded from the ground. ”Do Indians kill their friends? Do they speak soft words only while the men of the family are at home, being too cowardly to make an attack until the fathers have gone away?”

There was no reply to this speech until the Indians were hidden once more by the bushes, and then a voice cried:

”Give us the cow and two boys. Then we will go away, telling the Frenchmen that all have been killed.”

”You shall not have the smallest chicken inside this stockade!” Mark cried, angrily. ”And I promise that there shall be few left to report to the cowardly Frenchmen, if you remain here very long. You shall be shot down like dogs, and from this out our squaws will not interfere to let you carry off those who have been crippled!”

While speaking, Mark had unconsciously raised himself to his full height, instead of being partially sheltered by remaining in a crouching position, as during the short fight, and the reply to his words came in the form of bullets, one of which grazed his cheek, raising a red ridge, as if he had been scored by a whip-lash.

Susan and Luke both fired in the direction from which had been seen the flash of the muskets, but no one could say if the missiles thus sent at random took effect.

Five minutes later, while the watchers still gazed through the crevices of the palisade, believing the enemy to be near at hand, a canoe was seen putting off from the sh.o.r.e, directly in front of the dwellings, and, after such delay as was necessary, in order to enable them to reach the other craft, all three divisions of the attacking force were headed for the harbor island.

[Ill.u.s.tration: ”You shall not have the smallest chicken inside this stockade!”]

The first a.s.sault had been made, and successfully resisted. It now remained to be seen whether the Abenakis were willing to accept this as defeat, of if new tactics were to be tried.

”They've gone!” Susan cried, joyfully. ”We've beaten them!”

”Yes child,” her mother said, despondently, ”and if they had not been sent by Frenchmen, we might believe the worst was over.”

”Do you think they'll come back, Mark?” the girl cried, as she leaped down from her post of duty.

”Ay, that I do, Susan, and for the very reason aunt has given. If we could only know what the next move would be! I have heard father say that once upon a time the English drove away from Mount Desert French settlers, and now those who are stirring the Indians up to this kind of business are trying to make things even. We can count on having peace during the rest of the night, I believe, and the sooner you go into the house, were that wound of yours can be looked after, the better I shall be pleased.”

Indeed, there was no good reason why all the defenders, save one to stand guard behind the palisade, should not get such repose as might be had under the circ.u.mstances.

A sentinel, on one of the hastily constructed platforms, could keep the harbor island well in view, therefore the savages would not be able to leave it secretly, and Mark proposed that he remain on duty for a certain time, while the others slept.