Part 31 (2/2)

”So, they are really here,” he muttered. ”What a piece of luck. But the question is, have they got the code? If it is out of their hands it will be well nigh impossible to recover it, for it is a serious matter to charge an amba.s.sador with wrong-doing.”

Jack began to ascend the rickety stairs with great caution. They creaked dismally under his tread. At a door on the second floor he caught the sound of Judson's voice. With a beating heart he crept as close as he dared and listened.

”The plans have all been changed,” he heard Judson saying. ”We are to take the code to Crotona (the capital of the power represented by the amba.s.sador) ourselves. There's a steamer that leaves Baltimore for Naples to-morrow. We are to take that and proceed from Naples to our destination.”

”What a bother,” came in Donald's voice. ”I don't see why the amba.s.sador didn't take them.”

”He said it was too dangerous. He was being watched by the Secret Service men.”

”Well, it's just as dangerous for us, if it comes to that,” grumbled Jarrow.

”I've got another piece of news for you,” said Judson. ”As I was pa.s.sing the Willard to-night I saw Simms, and who do you think was with him?”

”I don't know, I'm sure.”

”Those two brats who made trouble for us at Alexandria Bay. It was a good thing I was disguised, for I pa.s.sed close to them before I recognized them.”

”Confound it all,” burst out Jarrow, ”do you think they know we are here?”

”Not a ghost of a chance of it,” said Judson confidently; ”anyhow, we've picked a hiding place where no one would ever dream of looking for us.”

”That's so. I'll be glad when we get out of the horrid hole,” grumbled Donald.

A footstep sounded behind Jack on the creaking boards. It startled him.

He had not heard a door open. But now he was confronted by a portly Italian. The man grabbed him by the shoulder.

”Whadda you do-a here?” demanded the man, ”me thinka you one-a da sneak-a da tief.”

”Let me go,” demanded Jack, striving to wrench himself free.

”I no leta you go justa yet. I tinka you here steala da tings,” cried the man in a loud voice.

The talk inside Judson's room broke off suddenly.

”Hullo, what's up outside?” exclaimed Donald. ”Somebody's collared a thief. Let's see what it's all about.”

He flung the door open and the lamplight streamed out full on Jack's face.

Donald fell back a pace with astonishment.

”Great Scott! It's Jack Ready,” he exclaimed. ”What in the world are you doing here?”

”You knowa desa boy?” asked the Italian, still holding Jack fast.

”Yes, I do. He's no good,” replied Donald.

”Dena I throwa him out or calla da police.”
