Part 8 (2/2)

”I guess we'll pay our bill and leave,” struck in Billy.

”Think you'd better, eh?” sneered the manager.

”If you want your money you'd better be civil,” said Jack.

”Yes, but--your bill is eight dollars.”

”Here it is. Now don't bother us any more or I'll report you to the proprietor.”

”I know, but look here.”

”I can't see in that direction.”

”I don't know if that man has caught his monkeys yet.”

”No use of your worrying about that unless you're afraid one of them will get your job.”

There was a loud laugh at this and in the midst of it the boys pa.s.sed out of the hotel, leaving the clerk very red about the ears.

”I hope that will teach Noddy a lesson,” said Jack, as they hurried down to the boat yard where Noddy had been instructed to precede them.

”It ought to. Being chased by a bear is no joke.”

But when they reached the yard they were just in time to see the man who was working on the boat clap his hand to the back of his neck and yell:

”Ouch! A bee stung me.”

Not far off, looking perfectly innocent, stood Noddy, but Jack detected him in the act of slipping into his pocket a magnifying gla.s.s, by which he focused the sun's rays on the workman's neck.



The _Skipjack_ was all ready for them and no delay was had in making a start back to Musky Bay, where, it will be remembered, the boys had left their boat to be repaired. A brief stop was made at the Pine Island hotel and then the trip was resumed.

”Wonder where Judson and his crowd have gone to?” pondered Jack, as they moved rapidly over the water.

”One thing sure, they never started back home in the _Speedaway this_ morning,” said Billy. ”The water is like gla.s.s, and there's not a breath of wind.”

”Look, there's a handsome motor boat off yonder,” exclaimed Jack presently. He pointed to a low, black craft, some distance behind them and closer in to the sh.o.r.e.

”She's making fast time,” said Bill.

”Maybe she wants to give us a race,” suggested Noddy.
