Chapter 133 - Extra Iii (1/2)

My name is Yang Jin, nickname, 'Family Treasure'. I am the most beloved baby of my entire family.

Although I haven't had parents since I was a child (I heard that they died in a car accident), I have my grandpa and grandma from my father's side, and my grandpa and grandma from my mother's side, and my very amazing older cousin.

I have always been very smart since childhood. I was always first when it came to academic achievements and was envied by all the students. I had a good background, an excellent mind, I loved to be clean, and was very good looking. If nothing unexpected had happened, my life would have been smooth and wonderful, and I would've started my life journey from a very high point with my family's protection.

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However, the unexpected can always happen. I never thought that this world would encounter an apocalypse. It came so abruptly, and everyone was caught off guard.

In fact, I think that perhaps I was lucky, because when the apocalypse happened, I lost consciousness, sensation, and all the thoughts that made me human.

In my confusion, I became a zombie. I don't know if I ate people. By the time I recovered my awareness, I was already a level three zombie. Although my mind was still ignorant, I had the ability to think and knew that I was in a safe place. I knew that there was an extremely powerful zombie close to me, and I knew that there was a kind of rock that I liked to be around. Being close to it made me feel very comfortable, and even my thoughts seemed to become a lot more flexible.

I took over an entire floor as my rest area. I really was a little tyrant.

Why would I think that?

What's a 'little tyrant'?

I'm confused.

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But anyway, I'm still living a carefree life.

Living, what is that?

The longer I've been a zombie, the more I feel that I like to think about all sorts of questions. Why are there these kinds of questions? I thought and pondered and couldn't understand, but I felt more and more empty and lonely. I felt as though I had lost my most important thing, but I didn't know what exactly I'd lost.

I really want to see the outside world. I want to fly out from this cage.

I hate that terribly powerful zombie nearby. Although I'm very close with him, why does he have to manage me like that? He won't let me do this, won't let me do that. I feel that I dislike him more and more. Every time I want to go out, that fellow would attack me with his psychic strength, making it so that I can't move.

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I am very upset about it, but I have to obediently stay here. In my muddled, ignorant state, I have a sense that he is doing this for my own good.

Cr ws jylilalfr lwqgbnfv, atja ofiibk jikjsr jqqfjgfv lc ws wfwbgs. P xcfk, njuefis, atja atja ofiibk kjr j nfgs lwqbgajca qfgrbc lc ws ilof yfobgf vfjat, yea ktja kjr ilof yfobgf vfjat? Qts kbeiv kbgvr atja P vbc'a ecvfgrajcv qbq eq lc ws tfjv? Ciatbeut P mjc'a ecvfgrajcv jcsatlcu, P ralii ajxf la rfglberis. P atlcx, P'ii xcbk atf jcrkfg bcf vjs.

I cleaned up my rest area and looked at the spotless floors, feeling an inexplicable sense of satisfaction inside. I felt that I was becoming more and more like a person.

But why do I feel like I'm a person?

Actually, I don't like people at all. Those insects are disgusting, weak, and cunning.

Recently, more and more insects have snuck into our territory. We clearly didn't provoke them, but when they see us, those small and weak insects are always shouting and killing, greedy for things that do not belong to them. I secretly feel that we shouldn't kill people, but after killing, I don't feel any discomfort at all. On the contrary, seeing that bright red blood makes a kind of excitement rise up in my body. I feel very thirsty and really want to drink…

A kind of inexplicable feeling made me suppress my impulse. It was as though I would really lose something if I drank that blood. I had always believed in my intuition, and since there was nothing that could be eaten, I simply killed them all to make up for it.

Gradually, fewer and fewer insects came, and there was less and less fun. Perhaps this was why my thoughts became more and more flexible. The more I thought, the more lonely I felt.

Until one day…

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Two clever insects came to our territory.

They snuck into the territory, snuck into the bas.e.m.e.nt, stole our things, and seeing that they thought they had successfully hidden their moves from our eyes, I found them amusing and quietly paid attention to them.

Soon, they came to the fourth floor, which was my area. It had been thoroughly cleaned, and the ground was bright and s.h.i.+ny. The snow-white walls were uniform, and I felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction when I saw their looks of surprise. However, I soon grew angry and felt that my chest was full of rage. I regretted paying attention to them. They were just two small insects, how dare they…

They splashed ink over my rest area and dared to dirty up my place. I had to kill them! As soon as the idea surfaced, I flew out quickly and sent out sharp ice blades along with my attack. This was my best move, and I had killed many insects with these ice blades of mine.

However, I hadn't expected that I had miscalculated. I reluctantly had to admit that these were two very powerful insects, and they quickly dodged my attack. One of the men's energy made me feel scared, and my heart was full of agitation.

And right then…

“We mean no harm.” One of the men spoke.