Part 28 (1/2)

At one time, he'd been just a man and when he touched me, it was with a man's urgency. As if he couldn't wait. As if I were the best woman he'd ever been with.

The only woman.

Wait a second. Where had that come from?

I didn't know. Even more, I didn't want to know. I just wanted Ty inside of me.



As if he read the desperate thoughts, he slid his hands, so rough and stirring, down the length of my body, parted my thighs and thrust into me.

He kissed me then, his tongue pus.h.i.+ng into my mouth as fiercely and as urgently as his body pumped into mine. Over and over, until I felt my muscles contract. My o.r.g.a.s.m hit me hard and fast, turning me inside out and upside down and filling me with a pleasure so intense that I couldn't breathe.

Luckily, I didn't need to breathe.

I just needed to feel... the sharp ache between my legs, followed by the dull throbbing and the slow spread of pleasure through every inch of my body.

The feeling lasted several minutes until finally two important things registered. One, Ty was still hard inside me and two, his lips- make that his fangs-were on my neck.

Previous Top NextI felt the steely sharpness rasp over my pulse beat and my eyes popped open. My heart paused.

He wasn't... He wouldn't...

He didn't.

Instead, he moved on, fangs grazing, tongue stroking. His hot mouth closed over one nipple and he suckled me. But he didn't sink his teeth in. Not yet.

Not ever, I told myself. No way. No how.

No matter how much I suddenly wanted him to.

I grasped his shoulders, flipped him onto his back and straddled him.

He arched one eyebrow at me. ”Pulling rank, are we?”

”You know it, baby.” And then I slid down onto his hard length, leaned back-far, far away from that delectable mouth of his and those razor-sharp fangs-and had the wildest ride of my life.

An hour later, I snuggled into the pillow, suddenly so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open. The exhaustion that came with daybreak tugged at my muscles, along with the satisfaction of really hot s.e.x.

I felt the bed dip as Ty swung his legs over the side.

”Where are you going?”

”To get something to eat.” Because as gratifying as the s.e.x had been, there hadn't been the ultimate fulfillment that came with drinking from each other. I knew it and so did he, but neither of us said anything.

I mean, really. Why kill the moment? Biting aside, we're talking phenomenal s.e.x.

My eyes drifted closed. In the far distance I heard the gasp as he uncorked a new bottle. The glug, glug, glug as he fed his hunger. He climbed back into bed soon after that and pulled me close.

And then everything faded into the steady sound of my own heartbeat and I slept the best sleep I'd had in months.

I was starving.

I stumbled into the kitchen later that afternoon, just after sunset, and reached for the nearly empty bottle Ty had consumed early that morning. Just one sip and I would be good to go.

I took three sips.

Okay, so they were gulps, but I had a naked vampire in my bed. I needed my strength.

I was just about to take a fourth, when the feeling hit me. A presence. Someone was watching me.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up and every nerve in my body went on high alert. My insides tightened and my stomach jumped.I turned and stared into the bedroom, but Ty didn't move. He lay on his side, his back to me, the sheet pulled up to his waist. A distinct scent tickled my nostrils-like toffee mixed with peanuts.

”He's pretty hot.” The familiar voice slid into my ears and drew me around.

I glanced up toward the loft and saw Ayala peering down at me.

Hold on. Ayala?

My stomach convulsed again and I closed my eyes. ”It didn't go so well, did it?”

”What are you talking about?”

”Remy. That's why you're here. What was it this time? He wasn't blond enough? Tall enough? Short enough?”

”Actually, he was too much. Of a vampire, that is.” She gave me a peculiar stare. ”Haven't you figured it out yet?”

That you're a picky b.i.t.c.h? Got it.

”Listen, Ayala, I know you're feeling anxious. Desperate even. I've been there. Heck, I'm there right now. The parents are riding you. Society is killing you with all the baby hype. I totally understand.”

”You don't understand s.h.i.+t.”

”Of course I do. Your clock is ticking.”

”Actually, it's your clock that's ticking.” In the blink of an eye, she stood before me in the kitchen. She stepped around the table and plucked the nearly empty bottle of blood from my hands. ”You still don't get it, do you?”

Actually, I was starting to.

My mind raced and the pieces started to fit together. The jealous werewolf had been Ayala's ex-lover. She'd been the reason I'd gotten staked.

Okay, so I'd gotten staked because I'd rushed in to protect Wilson, but you get the point.

I'd bled all over the tablecloth that night at the soiree, and she'd been right there (DNA evidence, check). She'd also been right there the night the reporter had gotten chopped to pieces, but no one had seen her because she was a vampire who'd been able to slip in and out, completely undetected. And if she had been detected, she'd have been able to easily influence any poor schmuck who happened to get a glimpse of her. She'd have been able to slip in and out right on my heels, completely undetected and without leaving a trace of fingerprints.