Part 26 (1/2)
He wore faded jeans and nothing else. His back was broad and muscular, his arms well defined. His long, dark hair rested against his neck and I had the sudden urge to run my fingers through it.
Or I would've had the sudden urge, except that I was a committed professional with one thing on her mind: satisfying Viola and raking in the rest of my cash. Okay, so that qualified as two things. The point was-work, not play.
Got that?
Ty obviously shared my dedication because he didn't so much as glance up as I walked around the table and slid into the seat opposite him.
Since I'd thought of the p.i.s.sed off were-family angle, he'd been neck deep running background checks on the jealous werewolf's mother, father, sisters, brothers, cousins, second cousins, third cousins, fourth cousins, aunts, uncles, grandfathers, grandmothers, great grandfathers, great grandmothers (what'd I tell ya?).
Out of two hundred sixty-two relatives, Ty had found at least two leads worth pursuing. One of the wolf's brothers had done time for a.s.sault, while a female cousin recently had a restraining order put against her by an ex-boyfriend. Both situations confirmed one thing-crazy a.s.s relatives capable of violence.
I cleared my throat. ”Nice night.”
He merely grunted.
Distracted. That was good. It meant that he wasn't really listening. So when I announced, very matter-of-factly, that I was leaving to meet Lloyd, there was a microscopic chance that he might not even hear me.
I'd never been one to worry over odds, so I opened my mouth. ”I'm-”
”You don't even know what I'm going to say.”
”You're not going.”
”I have to go.”
He punched a final b.u.t.ton and closed the lid of the laptop. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. Muscles bulged and my stomach hollowed out. His gaze roved over me.
”Why didn't you just go out the bathroom window?” he finally asked.
I motioned to the Vivias. ”In these shoes?”
”You could have morphed,” he pointed out. ”Bats don't wear shoes.”
”What are you trying to say?””That you could have, but you didn't.”
”Surely you're not implying that I have a conscience?” That I might possibly feel some obligation to the one person actually going out of his way to help me? ”Yeah, right.”
”Then why didn't you?”
”My night vision is acting up.” There. That was the truth. Part of it, anyway.
He stared at me long and hard before he seemed to come to a conclusion. Then he reached for a half-empty bottle of blood he'd been nursing and slid it across the table toward me.
The sweet, intoxicating scent teased my nostrils and I felt the sharp edge of my fangs against my tongue. My fingers itched to reach out.
Just one taste and all my worries would be over.
No more wanting and aching and fantasizing.
About the blood, I mean.
As for Ty, I had the feeling I could gorge myself for hours on end and never get enough.
Which was why I kept my fangs to myself and balled my hands in my lap. ”No, thanks.”
”Come on. You'll feel better.”
If only. ”I drank earlier.”
”I didn't see you.”
”You don't see everything.”
”Don't kid yourself.”
My mind raced back to the previous day when he'd stripped down to his BVDs and I'd eyed him from the loft. Unknowingly, or so I'd thought. Judging from the sudden light in his eyes, I had a feeling he'd been all too aware. Of my stares and what I'd been doing with my...
Easy, girl.
”You're a vampire. You have to drink.”
”Look who's telling who. I've been around for five hundred years. I think I know that.”
”So what's up?”
”I already told you. I had a few sips here and there. Listen, I have to go tonight. I swear I'll be careful. I'll keep a very low profile and I won't talk to anyone except Viola. And Lloyd. And the other men. And, of course, the NUNS. I'll have to talk to them.
And if Viola has any guests, then I'll be obliged to say h.e.l.lo and be at least civil, but that's it. Once midnight strikes, I'm outa there.”
”Send Evie.””Are you kidding? She doesn't know about Viola, or me, or the mating orgy-I should be so lucky-about to commence in less than four hours.” When the clock struck midnight and the moon was at its fullest, the werewolves were at their h.o.r.n.i.e.s.t. ”And I intend to make sure that my secret stays safe.”
”You should have hired a vampire instead of a human.” I arched an eyebrow and waited for his own words to sink in. ”Forget I said that. You're the only vampire who actually believes that people need to date in order to mate.”
I frowned. ”I'm not the only one.” I was pretty sure that I'd made believers out of Wilson and Nina Two. They had found each other because of me. And then there were Francis and Melissa.
Then again he was a vampire and she was still a human, and so they weren't really mating. Humping on a regular basis, yes.
Mating? That implied commitment, which implied living out eternity and making baby vamps together, and it just wasn't going to happen for them. Ever.
Even so, they seemed happy, which made me think again of Ty and his fabulous pecs and how much I'd really like to run my hands over his hard muscles and...
I shook away the seductive image that pushed its way into my head. Okay, so where was I?
Orgy. Midnight. Must go.
”Give me ten minutes to make the introductions, collect the rest of my fee, and ease the situation with Lloyd. I have to at least make sure he isn't going to be eaten in a fit of anger. Then I'll hang back until things get into full swing and leave. Cross my heart.” I made the motion and Ty shook his head.
”You're the d.a.m.ndest vampire I've ever met.”