Part 13 (1/2)

”No, I filled it up.”

So much for a short list.

”The entire sheet?”

”You said to write down anyone I could think of. That's what I did.”

”But an entire sheet?”

”Thanks for sounding shocked. So much for telling myself I'm not a total loser.” His lips twitched and I knew he wanted to grin.

He motioned to me. ”Let me see what you've got.”

He scanned the list I gave him, which started with my neighbors, the Griffiths, who lived on the first floor of my building. While they didn't have children, they had meddling mothers and a cat. A big, fat Siamese who absolutely detested vampires. The Griffiths themselves always waved whenever we pa.s.sed near the mailboxes, but Sasha always hissed.

While I didn't think Mac and Eileen were kooky enough to let a cat dictate their friends, what did I really know about them (except that Mac's mother drove Eileen crazy and her mother kept him this close to a straitjacket)? Maybe they were psychotic killers who went after anyone, no matter how fantastically dressed, who didn't make the grade with Sasha.

Hey, it could happen.

”I doubt a cat is framing you for murder.”

”The owners of the cat. The cat is just part of the selective process.”

He shook his head and kept reading. A few seconds ticked by before he arched an eyebrow at me. ”Maybelline Magenta at L.

C? Is that someone's name?”

”Lip color.” Some people remembered names. Others faces. I rocked when it came to shades of lip gloss. ”She was this lady I ran into at Liz Claiborne last week.” When he didn't look any more enlightened. ”During their last designer closeout.” Still no light-bulbs. To think I actually l.u.s.ted after this guy.

”They do them every so often-all the designers do-usually with just a last-minute notice to the public,” I prodded. ”This one was done after hours as a special perk for repeat customers. While I don't do Liz as often as I'd like, I'm still on a first-name basis with most of the sales staff. Particularly Kiki who handles the closeouts.”

Kiki was a doll with great taste in clothes, a pixie haircut (I know, so yesterday, but on her it kicked b.u.t.t and looked totally retro), and flawless makeup (Kiwiberry from Sephora).

Kiki also knew my size and wasn't shy about stuffing any and everything I might like under the counter until I zoomed in. What can I say? She was bis.e.xual and totally susceptible to my vamp charms.

”Anyhow,” I went on, ”Kiki called and invited me. I got there as soon as I could-I obviously had to wait for sunset-but the place was already packed. That's when I ran into Maybelline Magenta. We had a difference of opinion. She thought she should be in front of me, and I thought she shouldn't. Kiki was too busy trying to help this other woman stuff her size fourteen a.s.s into a pair of size ten jeans to referee.””And?”

”And I elbowed her. The woman, not Kiki.”

His eyebrow kicked up a notch. ”Hard enough to make her go to the trouble to kill someone and frame you for the murder?”

”I might have kicked her, too.”

”Might have?”

”Okay, so I kicked her.” I shrugged. ”But I didn't mean to. I was trying to trip her. See, the elbow in her ribs made her double over, but she kept on running. She was as heteros.e.xual as they come, so vamping was out of the question. I had to do something. She was headed for the last pair of black linen gauchos.”

”I'm a.s.suming the L'Oreal Wild Cranberry and the Clinique Slick Sunburst are part of the same incident.”

I gave a nod. ”I needed a white b.u.t.ton-up and a scarf to go with the gauchos.”

”I doubt any of these women would kill over an outfit.”

”It was a really cute outfit.”

Ty folded the list and stuffed it into his pocket. ”If the extra paper was for more of the same, just keep it to yourself. I'll check out everyone you've already written down and see if anything turns up. We'll work it from there. In the meantime...” He handed me back my foam finger. ”No more Knicks games.”

”No problem.” I'd already maxed out my alpha possibilities at the stadium. I was headed for Home Depot next.

He frowned. ”You're not going to a Home Depot, or anywhere else, for that matter.” His eyes narrowed to dangerous slits and my heart pitter-pattered. ”I mean it. This is a lot more serious than some stupid misunderstanding. We're talking f.u.c.king DNA.

You have to stay off the radar until we can give the police enough evidence and a motive that points to someone besides you.”

When I started to open my mouth, he added, ”They've upped the reward.”

”How much?”

”One hundred thousand.”

I smiled. That was more like it. Then I frowned. ”Which means even more people will be gunning for me.”

He nodded and my stomach bottomed out. ”Humans and vamps, and neither play nice when that much money is involved.” He let his words sink in for a few seconds before he added, ”You'll be safe here, provided you do what I say.”

”And stay put.”


”For how long?”

”As long as it takes.” He pushed to his feet. ”I have to go out again for a little while-I've got to meet someone-but I'll be back in an hour.” He pulled a slim silver cell phone from his pocket and handed it to me.

”What's this?” Dumb question since I already knew (see description above). What I didn't know was what it meant.

It means you can talk for longer than thirty seconds, provided you don't call a number that's being tapped.I gave him my most chilling stare. ”I really hate it when you do that.”

He grinned. ”I picked it up this evening. It's registered to a safe user and can't be traced back to you. Meaning, your name won't show up on anyone's call list. I've also blocked the number from caller ID. You can call anyone except Dead End Dating. The cops are tapping the phone line there and tracing all incoming calls. While they wouldn't be able to trace this particular phone to you, they're bound to have voice recognition capability, which means they'll figure it out. So no calling the office.”

”But I can call Evie at home, right? And The Ninas?”

He nodded. ”The judge issued a warrant to monitor DED's line only in addition to your personal cell phone. The cops pushed to get a tap on your parents, too, but Judge Ellis refused.” At my surprised expression, he added, ”While he can't ignore the evidence, he isn't ready to give up one of his own by being overly cooperative.”

”He's a vampire?”

Ty nodded. ”Lucky for you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to call your folks.”

Lucky for me.