7 Detective Karma Chapter 7 (1/2)
Mr. Eclaire was looking for the bottle he dropped somewhere.
”Where could it be?” He thought to himself, ”If I lose that, or worse, the police get it, I'm worse than dead.”
While he was thinking about it, he accidentally bumped into the police while searching for it.
”Oh, uh, Detective, sorry about that.” Mr. Eclaire said nervously to Detective Rodney, ”I'll just be going to look for someth-”
”Would that something be this?” Detective Rodney interrupted him, holding up the cyanide bottle.
”Where did you get that?” Mr. Eclaire exclaimed.
”Foolish, really, for you to try and destroy evidence. Luckily, this one,” he pointed to the bottle, ”was dropped. You'll be going with us, Mr. Eclaire, for questioning. Oh, and call Mr. Paradox.
Mr. Paradox was pacing around in his office when there was a knock on the door. ”Come in!” He said, sitting on his office chair.
”Mr. Paradox” Chief Ahrest said as they entered the room. ”We will now bring you to the station for questioning.”
”What is the meaning of this?” Mr. Paradox said angrily, ”Under what authority? You got a warrant of that?”
”Oh, we don't need a warrant for this.” Detective Rodney said calmly, ”Moonyvian Law states that you don't need a warrant when you get caught in the act, like right now. We caught Mr. Eclaire destroying evidence.”
”And how did you figure that out?” Mr. Paradox challenged them.
”Oh, we caught him flushing down the contents in the toilet. Oh, and we managed to get this bottle, fortunately.” Mr. Paradox was surprised and angry to see the bottle full of cyanide. ”You shall now be detained and interrogated for 32 hours.” Detective Rodney said.
”I demand to bring my lawyer.” Mr. Paradox said angrily.
”Very well, but we'll need to bring you in the station.”
”Yes, of course, but do you mind leaving me with my dear assistant for a while?” Mr. Paradox said. ”I also need to call my lawyer.”