Part 9 (1/2)
”I don't know,” Rick said, grabbing Bobby's blood-slicked arm. ”But we need to stop the bleeding.” He wound his s.h.i.+rt around Bobby's wrist, tied them together in a knot. He couldn't remember how tight to tie a tourniquet. He remembered vague instructions on first-aid he received when he was in college, but they did no good for him now. Everything had happened so fast that he couldn't gather his thoughts together for the correct procedure. He just hoped the make-s.h.i.+ft tourniquet was right and that it wouldn't kill him.
Janice was sobbing uncontrollably and she straightened up and turned toward the ocean. Her eyes grew wide. ”Rick!”
Rick spun around. The creatures were scuttling toward them rapidly. He pulled Bobby up as Janice grabbed her son's arm and helped hoist him up. Bobby was semi-conscious, his face white. Rick scanned the parking lot, looking for Ripper's van. His adrenaline surged as a blue Chevrolet van pulled up alongside the curb. Ripper was at the wheel.
Rick swung the door open as the van pulled to a stop. He helped Janice lift Bobby inside while Ripper clamored out of the seat and jostled to the rear to help. Rick turned to catch the progress of the creatures. They were only ten yards away and rapidly approaching. Ripper eyed them, gauging the distance as he rolled Bobby into the van.
Janice hopped up into the van followed closely by Rick just as a searing bolt of pain stabbed through his left calf. He yelped and turned back to see the blaring eyes of one of the creatures bore into him. It had a hold of his left leg in one large monster pincer. Rick felt strong hands grasp his shoulders and pull him into the van, felt excruciating pain as the skin of his leg was shredded as it pa.s.sed through the claw of the creature, heard the van door whisk shut, felt and saw the thing's stinger jab him in the leg, and then he blacked out.
Chapter Eleven.
Rick Sychek was waiting with nervous patience in Dr. Glen Jorgensen's waiting room when he saw Sheriff Roy Conklin pull up.
He felt a sense of dread as he watched the man get out of his squad car. Despite the fact that Conklin hadn't actually carried out his thinly-veiled threat of ticketing him for his accident, the underlying message conveyed that the Sheriff would be watching him. Almost twenty-four hours later, that feeling was beginning to bear fruit.
Rick tried to calm the feeling down but he couldn't. He had been on a pure adrenaline rush since that thing attacked Bobby. And between helping him and keeping Janice calmed down and trying to help her, he hadn't been functioning emotionally very well. One little push from this b.a.s.t.a.r.d would be all it would take to screw up his time in this town.
He battled the emotions down and when Roy Conklin entered the waiting room, Rick didn't even look up. He was troubled by the ordeal, dammit, and he wasn't going to be made a p.a.w.n in this man's petty mind games. Still, he couldn't help feel the rise of nerves as the Sheriff's eyes fell upon him as he closed the door. They seemed to be speaking to him subliminally. Okay...what did you do this time?
Roy Conklin strode over to the receptionist's window and knocked on the gla.s.s part.i.tion. It opened and the Sheriff leaned forward. There was m.u.f.fled conversation. Rick couldn't tell what was being said but whatever it was, it was brief. The door closed and the Sheriff's eyes lighted on Rick again as he crossed the room. He stopped at the window and gazed out. Rick continued staring straight ahead, his mind numb, heartbeat racing.
”The boy sounds pretty badly hurt,” Sheriff Conklin finally said, breaking the silence.
Rick nodded. ”Yeah,” he said, softly. ”He-”
”You were there when it happened.” Not a question. Just a statement of the facts.
”Yes,” Rick nodded.
”Mind telling me what happened?”
Rick gulped. The incident rose in his mind again, unbidden in the ferocity of it. He told Sheriff Roy Conklin, paying no heed to the credence of the story. Let the Sheriff think he'd lost his mind, the man had to know what was out there. He spilled it out; his walk to the pier, meeting Jack Ripley, and later Janice and her son; he related the scream, how he and Janice had raced down to see what had happened and the horror of what they saw; the beast slinking toward them as Rick scooped Bobby up in his arms, the last minute attack by the creature that had almost killed him, the flight back to Dr. Jorgensen's and through it all Janice's hysterical voice babbling about her baby, her poor baby boy- When he finished there was silence. He looked up at Sheriff Conklin, who looked at him from behind his mirror shades. The lawman's features were expressionless. ”You don't believe me,” he said.
”I didn't say that,” Roy Conklin said.
”But it looks like you're going to.”
”If you were me and just heard what you said, you wouldn't believe yourself, either.” Sheriff Conklin put his hands on his hips and seemed to glare down at Rick. ”You say these things that attacked you guys were crab things?”
”Yes, crab things,” Rick exclaimed. He held his arms about three feet apart, indicating the creatures size. ”They were about this big from head to tail. They looked like giant lobsters to tell you the truth.”
Roy looked at him as if he was a new species of insect. ”Giant lobster? Listen to yourself, kid. How do you expect me to believe a s.h.i.+t story like that?”
”I don't care what you believe!” Rick was on the verge of shouting and he mentally checked himself. From behind the nurses part.i.tion, movement appeared. A headache began rising in the bony ridge of his nose, right behind the eyes, and he closed his eyes to will it away. When he opened them the Sheriff was gazing out the window again. ”I'm sorry,” he said quietly. ”I didn't mean to shout.”
Roy Conklin didn't answer. He kept his gaze trained out the window at the lightly falling rain.
Rick Sychek stood in the middle of he waiting room, trying hard to keep his frustration down. He'd been on the verge of telling the Sheriff about the claw he'd dug out of his tire the day before, how he thought it might belong to one of the crab things. But after seeing the lawman's reaction to his story, he figured his credibility with the man would slip even further if he told him his theory about the accident. So he kept his mouth shut. Roy remained silent as he kept his gaze on the rain. The sky outside was light gray but it was growing darker rapidly. The wind was picking up again. The silence was deafening.
Rick was just settling back into his seat and psyching himself up to telling the Sheriff more about what happened when the lawman broke the silence. ”It looks like the storm's going to get worse.”
Rick looked out the window.
The storm clouds were ma.s.sive; coal black and building, they roiled across the sky threateningly. The wind blew briskly, scuttling leaves and gra.s.s, bending the smaller trees. From as far as the eye could see the clouds covered the horizon, blotting out the afternoon sun. A few drops of rain spattered on the ground outside and hit the window. Rick retreated from the window and cast a glance at Sheriff Conklin. The Sheriff remained at the window, seemingly entranced by the sudden storm. It looked like it was going to be a big one.
Rick was beginning to wonder what was going on behind the closed door to Glen Jorgensen's office when the lights suddenly went out.
With the now absent sun, it cast the waiting room in a grayish gloom. Rick looked up at the lights in surprise, and from behind the gla.s.s part.i.tion he heard the sharp exclamation of Glen Jorgensen's nurse Barbara. Sheriff Conklin peered out the window. ”No lightning, yet,” he said. ”Strange.”
The squawk of CB static came through the radio clasped to Roy Conklin's belt. He unclipped it and raised it to his mouth. ”Unit 7 to Unit 12, I copy you. Over.”
Deputy Rusty's voice came in, full of static and tin. ”Sheriff Conklin, I've got a power outage here at headquarters. I put in a call to the GE plant and didn't receive a response. Over.”
”Did you try the CB band, Unit 12? Over.”
”Affirmative, Unit 7. I've been unable to raise anybody in all communications, sir. It also appears the power is out elsewhere. It looks mighty dark out there. Over.”
”Meet me at the GE Plant in fifteen minutes, Unit 12. Over.” Sheriff Conklin headed for the door.
The door to Glen Jorgensen's office opened and the physician stepped out, looking surprised to see the Sheriff. Barbara stood behind him, peering curiously over his shoulder.
”Affirmative, Unit 7,” Deputy Rusty's tinny voice squeaked. ”Over and out.”
”Over and out, Unit 12.” Roy Conklin signed out, nodding at Glen Jorgensen as he replaced the CB unit and made for the door. He bade Glen a courteous nod. ”Gotta run, Doc, but I'll be back in a few to take a report.” He stepped outside and dashed to his patrol car. He backed out of the driveway and headed down the road into the storm.
Glen approached Rick from behind. ”What was that all about?”
”It sounds like the power is out all over town,” Rick said. ”He's meeting Rusty at the power plant to see what's happening.”
From behind them, Barbara spoke softly. ”I'll go back and check on Bobby and Janice. He got really spooked when the lights went out, poor thing.” She turned and went down the hall.
Glen and Rick stood in the waiting room, looking out the window. The storm was growing stronger, the winds blew harder yet the rain was still coming down in drizzles and spits. Lightning couldn't be seen, nor thunder heard. ”Did the wind blow the power line down?” Dr. Jorgenson asked.
Rick shook his head and pointed out the window.
”No. Look up there.” Glen followed his pointing finger. The power line across the street was intact, the thick, heavy cables resting in their spot as they always did. ”And it surely wasn't lightning, either. We would have seen it, heard the thunder right before the lights went out.”
Glen Jorgensen was quiet. His heavily-lined face was etched in worry. ”I wonder what it is then?”
Outside, the storm grew stronger.