Vol 1 Chapter 16 (1/2)

Acken is a country located to the east of Jirgs, it has become one of the biggest metropolis, -second only to the Jirgs kingdom- due to the small distance between Acken and it’s neighboring countries located to the east.

Foreign travelers, people from within the country, and merchants talking and trading with each other, are making it a lovely and bustling town.

“Well then, it’s a different kind of liveliness than the capital.”

Lize says, after entering the town of Acken while looking around and being moved.

“So, we’ve arrived at Acken, but what are we going to do now?”

“Let’s see, since we’re going to stay for a while, first would be an inn……”

“Hey, I just heard an interesting story!”

Seran, who immediately went to get something to eat from the stalls, came back excitedly.


“Yeah, since the one coming to town tomorrow, is none other than princess Mirena.”

Kail’s eyes become round at Seran’s cheerful sounding voice.

“…….Are you serious?”

“Yeah, that’s right, the one called 『The treasure of Jirgs』.”

Kail makes a questioning face, in contrast to Seran’s merry feeling.

“She’s making her debut now. It doesn’t matter what you say, it’s still that “Treasure of Jirgs”, you know! I always wanted to see her at least once. I heard where she is, so let’s go and check it out.”

When Seran says that, he immediately begins to walk.

“So Kail, are you also going?”

Lize’s words had an interrogating sound to them, but he decided to ignore that.

“…….Well it’s worth a look at least. For one, we are also citizens of the Jirgs kingdom, if there is a chance to see the future queen’s face, I’d like to take it.”

I also want to ascertain something, is what I add inside my mind.

“…….You do have a point, then let’s go.”

Urza and the others don’t seem to have any complaints, so we all decided to go.

The mother G.o.d of Earth, Kairis, is the deity of Jirgs and most of the towns have a temple for her.

Also, if there is an orphanage within the temple, like the one in the town of Acken, the princess goes to it, to pay a consolatory visit.

By the time Kail and the others reached the temple, it was already crowded by many onlookers.

However, Seran plunged into the area where the children were gathered without any hesitation.

“There! Get out of the way! You brats! You guys are ten years too young for such a beauty!”

Mercilessly pus.h.i.+ng the children away, while kicking, he continues.

“O-Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll give you this, so eat it.”

Kail, who followed behind him, was handing out the sweets he specially bought for Sildonia.

The children who were about to begin crying, immediately got a smile.

“The thing called: ‘having no shame’, has become strong it seems……”

“I absolutely don’t want to learn it…..”

“Myself’s sweets~……”

TL note: Sildonia says this, speaking in third person about her sweets. -Tensaiz

Urza and Lize also followed after a little while, but as expected it was a little embarra.s.sing.

Beyond the crowd, the very first row was completely composed of the city guards, they have set up a perimeter, so no one could come closer.

In the center, clearly different from the city guards, what stood out were the silvery white plate armors they donned, they were knights with a simplified crest of a dragon on their chest.

That dragon crest is proof of Jirgs’s imperial knights, having it, means they are imperial knights.

The imperial knight squad of Jirgs, is made up of around a hundred knights, compared to other squadrons of knights they are few in numbers, but their mission is to protect the king, so they don’t need too many of them.

For that part, the whole squad is composed out of the few elites within the army, no one from the Jirg’s kingdom itself, those with a heart of loyalty and the elites among the elites were chosen from them.

Something only those that excel in martial arts and swear absolute loyalty can become, something everyone that wishes to become a knight yearns for, that is the imperial knight squad.

That imperial knight squad was patrolling the area with vigilance.

Well, it isn’t unreasonable since a person important to the king will momentarily pa.s.s by.

After a little while, the carriage that was being protected by the imperial knights, was moving in front of the orphanage.

The carriage was a luxurious white one, with gold and silver details on it, there, on the side was the royal family of Jirg’s lion crest standing out.

This is an indicator, that shows that this carriage is something that can only be ridden by royalty.

The horses pulling the carriage, are twice the size of normal horses, and this carriage is being carried by two eight legged demon horses called Sleipnir.

Untamed Sleipnirs are bad tempered and wild, they are hardly usable, but it’s an exception if they are raised for that purpose from childhood, these two are probably the same.

The guy that reverently opened the door of the carriage, looked like the leader of the imperial knights, and appeared to be in his mid-twenties.

When a young woman appears from within the carriage, the crowd starts to cheer loudly.

Beautiful clear eyes, perfectly shaped nose, pale vermillion lips, slender limbs, jet-black hair extending to the waist as if it was high quality silk, pale white skin…… Piece for piece, as if they were all goods of the highest quality, were found upon this miraculous young woman.

Wearing a light green dress and a silvery white tiara, which seemed to only be fit for royalty, but in the end they were only things that supported the beauty of the person wearing it.

If I have to name someone alike, Urza would come to mind, but it was as if her beauty was crafted by a master sword-smith, who made a well-honed sword, I wonder if it can be said that the princess has the same attractiveness as gems and gold, she just started walking slowly out of the carriage, however, she was a young woman who, with each and every movement she made, attracted the people with some kind of charisma.

She is truly the one, praised as “Jirg’s national treasure”, the first in line for the throne, princess Mirena do Jirgs.

“Yup, just as the rumors say, she is a beauty…… But above all….. That is amazing…..”

Seran sang, while he was looking at the rich twin hills, around the chest of the princess, which was slightly being shown.

“….. Comparing it, the difference in power is overwhelming. Dragon and lizard tears.”

This time, Seran makes a sign of grief, while looking at Lize’s lacking chest.

Immediately Lize grabs Seran’s chin with her open palm.

“E-Even though the only thing I did, was to express my honest impression and the facts….”

“Don’t think the truth is always right!”

Lize shouts at the crouching Seran.

“You guys, keep it down a little.”

Now Kail who didn’t want to stand out also let out a sigh.

In front of the orphanage, the children were forming in lines, and one of them, a little girl about ten years old, rushed over to the princess with a flower in her hand.

However maybe because of the tension, she tripped while she was running.

Then the princess put one of her knees on the soil filled ground and asked the little girl who became teary-eyed “are you alright?” With a gentle voice and smile.

Maybe because of that, but the tension dispersed and the girl answered “yes!” cheerfully with a smile on her face.

The crowd who saw what happened, naturally began to applaud.