Vol 1 Chapter 12 (1/2)


“Th-This is…..”


Seran, Urza, and Lize were speechless after uttering just one word.

Breaking through the outer wall of gold, which had a width where more than ten hotels could fit in, it was truly a treasure trove that could blind one’s eyes.

Ornaments such as rings, bangles and necklaces made of gold and silver. Of course there were jewels scattered everywhere, sculptures made of crystals with the size of humans, tapestries carefully embroidered with gold, a transparent gla.s.s that s.h.i.+nes with the brilliance of a rainbow with images of animals in it, a portrait of a n.o.ble woman who smiled so realistically it was almost as if she was alive…..

impossible to make with the technology of today, great merchants or n.o.bles, even royalty will pay a heavy sum in order to obtain this.

tl note: No s.h.i.+t… -Tensaiz

Furthermore, gold coins from the ancient kingdom were piled up to the ceiling like a mountain, how many thousand, how many tens of thousands, how many hundreds of thousands, no it’s even more,  I can’t even imagine how much there is. It truly is, a mountain of gold.

There are also diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, topaz, opals, amethysts, pearls…… It’s so much that I wouldn’t even be able to count all the different kinds and numbers of all the jewels that were left behind here.

Precious herbs and magical trees which are ingredients for certain magic drugs, even rare and almost unattainable loot, like a unicorn’s horn and ingredients from dragons were both lined up.

It’s probably being preserved with a magic called [Preservation], even though more than a thousand years have pa.s.sed, they were still in their fresh and original state.

In the corner the magical metal mithril is piled up as ingots.

It’s perfect for weapons or armor since it’s light and has high magic resistance, but there is a shortage of supply, and only the dwarfs are capable of purifying it.

TL note: I think what they mean with purifying is turning the raw mithril, into ingots of mithril which can be used for the creation of weapons or armor. – Tensaizz

Since its worth is around ten times that of gold with the same weight, there was never enough to buy of it.

No matter which superpower, none of them would expect such a spectacle, since it was a mountain of treasure, with enough value to buy a country, no, even several countries.

TL note: Superpower = “A state with a dominant position in international relations and is characterised by its unparalleled ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale.” Not a power from a super hero… Thx wikipedia. -tensaiz

But in one way or another this amount was only to be expected.

In the magic kingdom Zars, at the time of prosperity it controlled half the continent and controlled 3 quarters of the whole human race, it’s obvious that they believed they could finish off their nemesis the demons.

The person who became king in their time of prosperity was the Mahou Ou 『Magic King』 Sildonia Zars, this is the labyrinth and treasure left by that king, having this much was only to be expected.

This surreal sight will even attract humans without greed, it holds a dangerous charm.

At the moment, Lize and even Urza who’s an Elf, whom are said to have less greed than humans, were both breathless, both of them were looking around dazed.

But only Kail who had already experienced this sight was calm.

I speak silently yet powerfully to Lize who was unsteadily approaching the mountain of jewels and Urza who was looking at the Mithril.

“Both of you get a firm hold on yourself.”

Lize and Urza who were staring at the treasure got a shock and began to tremble, they turn around to look at Kail.

“Listen carefully….. I came here because my goal has a need for a lot of gold, but my goal isn’t the gold itself, it’s only the means to an end. It’s better to have gold than not having any at all, but you have to use it with care, never let yourself become the means used by gold.”

TL note: “It’s better to have gold than not to have any at all.” -Kail….. This guy is a genius! -Tensaizz

It might have been a little extreme but saying something like this is for the best.

Because there were plenty of people that were ruined by gold.

“That’s why….. Look at him!”

Kail strongly points his finger, in that direction was:

“Hyahha! It’s gold it’s go~old! With this I can live in luxur~y!”

Seran was looking like the embodiment of a money monger, while jumping into a mountain of gold.

“….. That is the fate of a person that is used and dominated by gold…..”

“With this I’m rich!!”

Seran who was throwing gold into the air with both of his hands was laughing out loud.

His eyes seem to have become clouded.

“It certainly is ugly…..”

“Yeah I don’t want that to happen to me…..”

As if their hearts were doused the two of them looked at Seran with eyes full of pity and they shook their heads.

At that moment, the uniquely calm one (Kail) was looking over the numerous treasures with tranquil eyes.

(Thank you Seran. Because of you, the hearts of these two can stay pure. This means it had some worth in bringing you along….)

I was looking over Seran with gentle eyes while he was going “It’s gold, It’s gold” as if he was lost.

TL note: I think the author hates Seran… xD -Tenz

“Kail recalled the feeling of last coming here about 2 months ago.”

At that time the economy had been breaking apart and was turning into shreds. Even if we had a treasure of this amount the things we could’ve done wouldn’t have been a lot.

Since bread was more important than gold, silver, and jewels at that time.

But the Mithril was crafted into weapons and armor by the few remaining dwarf master craftsmen, the alchemists were also able to produce magic drugs.

If we didn’t have that equipment that last suicide attack would’ve failed.

Kail silently headed to the back while the three of them were distracted by the treasures.

The back was positioned where the three of them couldn’t see it, it was between giant statues and jewelry.

On the pedestal was a sword, or to be precise, it looked like a b.a.s.t.a.r.d sword which could be wielded with two hands.

On the thick blade of the sword that s.h.i.+ned like a mirror there were words written in ancient magical letters, on the sword’s hilt was a red gem embedded which clearly had some great magic power.

It was probably made of Mithril and has a good balance, the more I look at it the more I understand it’s a first rate sword, and not just any sword but a legendary one.

I could just keep on looking at it, it was a sword with a presence that would make you feel as if you could be sucked in any moment.

After Kail takes a deep breath lightly and takes a step forward while coming closer to the sword:

TL note: Yes, it really does say “take a deep breath lightly”, or “lightly breaths in deeply”… I also have no clue what the author means exactly.. X_X -Tensai

Faint light gathers around the sword, then the light transforms into particles and they move in front of the sword, where all the particles have gathered a girl appears.

Her age would be around twelve or thirteen I guess, her gray hair could be called mysterious, she may be beautiful, but it’s a girl who has a surreal feeling to her.

She stood there with her eyes closed, wearing something that can be called s.p.a.cious nun’s clothing.

She slowly opened her eyes and spoke in a clear, solemn voice.

“Well done for withstanding those numerous ordeals and being able to stand before Sildonia. Sildonia will praise…. Wha!?”

TL note: She’s speaking in third person, just like how royalty would speak. -Honor

TL note: You can just replace Sildonia with ‘me’ or ‘I’ when you’re reading it to make it more clear-Tensaizz

She couldn’t finish what she wanted to say. Kail closed her mouth while embracing her and brought her to a corner of the room.

“Don’t speak so loudly, we’ll get noticed by those three!”

He’s relieved to see after checking that the three of them weren’t coming this way to see what’s going on.

The young girl that was struggling hard inside his arms says angrily:

“Yo-You rude person! Who do you think I am….. mph!?”

“I’m telling you not to speak so loudly. I know who you are…… You’re the 『Magic King』 Sildonia Zars right?”

Well a replication, to be precise, Kail says in a small voice.

“The real source is the gem embedded in that sword where the real Sildonia has put his personality and a part of his knowledge within. You’re something like a shadow made of magic power….. Right?”

“Wh-Why do you know about that!? Even though the only ones that should know about it are Sildonia and original self!”

The young girl, Sildonia, replied with a high voice while panicking.

“Ah, I also know all the answers to the questions you’re about to ask so can I just skip it?”

“Wait, this is Sildonia’s time to s.h.i.+ne or so to say, that’s the reason I’m here so….. Wait how do you know about it?”

As a matter of fact, I know all the answers and questions because of the interactions I had the previous time.

“I guess I don’t have another choice….. The answers are; Dragon in the east on the second floor, wolf in the west on the third floor, demon in the north on the fourth floor and mural of humans in the south on the fifth floor……Seriously you have a bad second nature if you let someone search through all of the rooms.”

“Oh, so you went through all of them. If you don’t try at least that hard….. Wait a second why do you know the contents of the questions?!”

“Well, we didn’t exactly take the straight route, we shortened it.”


“We dug a hole directly into the treasury opposite from the front door.”

“What the h.e.l.l did you do you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!? That also counts as Sildonia’s grave!”

“About that, I also had some circ.u.mstances of my own. Please let me do the real final test. If I do that you’ll understand….. I’m going to grab the sword.”

“……So you also know about that?”

“Yeah, If I do this you’ll also be convinced somehow.”

Kail grabs the hilt of the sword that’s stuck in the pedestal.

At the same time Sildonia becomes more surprised.

“Wha!?…… You b.a.s.t.a.r.d just who the heck are you?”

“Just quickly read it already. If it can somehow convince you, this’ll end without you having to use the final trap.”

“!?….. Ei~, there’s no other choice! Pull it out!”