v1c6 part1 (1/2)
The Zilgs Kingdom is at the center of a large continent.
It borders demon territory but it’s land is very suited for agriculture. It’s climate is also warm. Under Remonaz, the current ruling King, Zilgs is a very stable country that is continuously growing.
There’s no official ranking on the countries strength, but if there were, the Zilgs Kingdom would be ranked very highly, near the top.
The capital, Mallad, is surrounded by two layers of thick walls, and has a population nearing 200,000. The royal palace at the center of Mallad can be seen from anywhere in the capital and the country’s land seems as if were radiating outward from the palace.
“Ho~ there’s so many peple! The people in this era look very prosperous!”
Sildonia was using magic to create an illusion of herself as she walked through the streets that were flooded with vendors.
Kyle and his friends just arrived at Mallad. Sildonia was right. The streets were flooded with people. “I heared Mallad has a population of 1,000,000.” Lize said that with such a large population, such a scenery wasn’t something to be shocked at.
“You’re right. But that’s only from what I’ve been told. I don’t know from experience. Sildonia herself had never walked through such a crowd and neither have I.”
“So that’s why…”
Kyle was wondering why Sildonia kept asking questions on the way. Her existence was a very unbalanced one: she was full of knowledge but lacked any experience whatsoever.
Sildonia was attracted by the scent and moved towards one of the vendors. Lize forced a smile on her face and followed.
“She’s like a kid from a rural village visiting the city for the first time.”
Seran is a whole different story, but in fact, Seran and Lize are very similar. Neither of them have left Rimaze for a long time, and it's the first time either of them have been to Mallad. The way they looked around the city made it very easy to tell that they were from out of town.
“Hmph, it doesn’t taste as good as Lize’s food, but it’s quite good. Let’s see…up next is that vendor…” Sildonia was carrying a meat skewer as she returned. BEcase she needed to convert the food to magic power, she ate a lot.
“Eat later, I want to go buy the stuff we planned.”
“Stuff…as in…weapons and s.h.i.+elds?”
“Right, we wouldn’t stand a chance with the equipment we have right now. It’s better if we have higher quality items.”
Their current equipment consisted of Sildonia, working as Kyle’s sword. Everyone else’s equipment was just a little better than that of an average journeyman.
“We can upgrade our current equipment, but there would be limits. With our current strength, new, higher grade material will enhance our abilities exponentially.”
He added on that it’ll also reduce the chances of them getting killed.
Over the past year, Kyle had lost so many loved ones – he didn't want to lose any more.
“If we can avoid getting killed by buying better equipment, it’s a cheap price to pay. No need to be cheap.” In a big city like Mallad, there were several different places to buy goods from.
Of course, the stores had different levels: stores for novices, intermediates, and professionals. The place Kyle’s team was heading toward was without a doubt the highest cla.s.s store around.
Only n.o.blemen and journeymen who earn tens of thousands of Gadoru per a.s.signment can afford the items there.
The store was built with stone, and had no signs.
There were no signs because signs weren’t needed. Only people with a particular purpose would come to the store. In other words, it wasn’t the type of store where one would just walk in randomly or by accident.
There were several armed guards at the entrance. Only one of them was wearing a uniform for the store. He spoke to Kyle as he approached the entrance.
“What can I help you with?”
“Ah, I want to buy items.”
“I don’t mean to be rude, but do you have a referral?”
“Are you familiar with our policy of first time customers with no referral?”
“If I remember correctly, those without referrals who are completely new have to pay a deposit in order to enter the store.”
Kyle remembered from his previous life.
“You’re correct. I apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask all new customers to make a deposit of 10,000 Gadoru. Of course, it will be returned upon your departure from the store.”
The boy was somewhat apologetic, but firm nonetheless.
The store has many very expensive items on display. n.o.blemen have their ident.i.ties confirmed, but most of the customers who visit this store are armed journeymen.
The store has to be on the safe side to prevent any armed robberies.
As a result, the store normally doesn’t allow customers without a referral to enter. However, that doesn’t mean that they turn all of them away. The deposit system ensures that only safe customers are let in the store. If they can’t afford the initial deposit, there is no way that they will be able to afford anything in the store. Hence, they have no purpose of being there.
“5 pieces of Zares gold. Is that enough?”
Kyle handed the boy Zares gold, a currency from the ancient magical kingdom period. It had very tiny engravings and even had a preservation spell. As a result, even a thousand years later, there are many of them in circulation. Many stores that sell expensive items also accept it as currency.
Zares gold has twice the value of the highest denomination, which was worth 1,000 Gadoru.
Though not produced anymore, there is an even more high value currency that is worth 10,000 Gadoru that uses precious gems. Those are often used for investments or rituals and are seldom found circulating.
“Thank you. Right this way please.”
Beyond the heavy door was a hallway.
At the end of the hallway was another heavy door.
For added protection, there were 2 doors. On the other end of the second door was a s.p.a.cious floor.
There were no windows, but magic items with the *light* spell had lit up the room.
In addition, the moisture and temperature were adjusted perfectly to ensure maximum comfort.
And on the counters and were armor and weapons neatly organized.
Possibly due to the time, there were no other customers in the store.
The store wasn’t meant to attract large numbers of people at once in the first place.
“Welcome! I am Fesiba, the owner of this store.”
A wide man in his 50’s greeted Kyle and his friends as they walked in.
For first timers, either the owner of the store or one of the sales a.s.sociates are a.s.signed to stay with them at all times.
They determine the type of customer you are and whether the store can make money off of you. They then adjust their services accordingly.
Fesiba had a great smile on his face but watched Kyle with a keen eye.
“What can we do for you today?”
“We want to see your weapons and s.h.i.+elds.”
“Certainly. We have a lot of weapons and s.h.i.+elds. Let me show you.”
There are many kinds of magic items.
Some are simply enhanced while other are made lightweight. Some are speceially made for users of fire or ice, and still others are made to defend against those types.
There are several other types, but they’re not made that often these days.
To put magic in a weapon or s.h.i.+eld takes more effort than a simple magic item. It also costs more, so most of the items on the market were made during the rule of the ancient magic kingdom.
“Whoa. I see lots of things from Zares. Oh! This one’s made by Melanis!”
Sildonia commented on some of the things she saw.
“You sure do know a lot. This one was indeed made by Melanis, one of the most famous craftsmen in the old days…”
“Not really. I mean, he did make some neat items, but when I criticized some of his work, he started tearing up. I’m sure he’s realized his mistakes by now.”
“Oh, don’t pay attention, she’s kinda crazy.”
Kyle whispered to make sure she couldn't hear.
“Huh? Oh…Okay…I see…”
Fesba looked around the store and caught the attention of another store employee. She led Sildonia to a consulting table.
“Hm? What is it? Oh wow! These snacks look delicious!”
Since this store dealt with rich customers, their snacks were also top quality.
Sildonia began eating.
Kyle gave a light bow, apologizing for her behavior. Fesba also smiled. He presumably understood the difficulty that she was giving Kyle and his friends.
“Oh! Could this be?”
What caught Kyle’s eye was a light blue colored armor suit in a gla.s.s display case. It was probably the most expensive item in the entire store. It was displayed so that it would get everyone’s attention. It was known as leather armor, and emphasized speed. It also used a special type of leather.
“Dragon leather armor…and does it have magic on it as well?”
“Yes, it has magic to increase resistance, defense, hardness, magic resistance, heat resistance, cold resistance, and it’s also been made lightweight. Inside, phoenix wings are sewn.”
Fesba was probably asked the same question before; he knew what he was talking about.
“Phoenix, as in the phantom monster?”