v1c3 part2 (1/2)
A big thank you to Ruka-san for this chapter!
Ulza was known for being strange. Everyone began to believe that label.
Most elves live their entire lives without ever leaving the forest. Ulza left to see what the outside looked like.
She ran into countless issues on her journey, but her spiritual magic and her sword skills allowed her to continue with little ha.s.sle.
She didn’t have any special reason to visit Rimaze; it was just the next stop on her journey.
And when she walked through the streets, a man looked at her in a strange way.
It was as if he had seen a ghost.
She was used to getting strange looks on the street, but this was entirely different.
Agony, happiness, confusion…
It didnt look like the man viewed her with hostility, but the look she received was unusual.
She was sure it was the first time she’d seen this gentleman, but his appearance urged her to talk to him. But at that exact moment, the human mumbled something…
It was a very faint voice, but elves have superior hearing. There was no way she missed it.
“How do you know!!”
Ulza screamed, and Kyle was stunned.
“Huh??...Oh…d.a.m.n! I shouldn’t have said that in front of her. I’m sorry Ulza….Wait…no….I mean….N..nice to meet you? Welcome to Rimaze?”
“You think you can trick me!?”
Kyle smiled and pretended to be a regular villager in the town of Rimaze, but Ulza was insulted. Needless to say, she was very agitated.
“She did say she had visited Rimaze before…But I didn’t think she’d visit at this time….d.a.m.nit…”
Kyle was holding his head. He regretted the fact that he let his tongue slip.
Ulza stayed with Kyle until the final battle. She was very supportive in terms of fighting and mental support.
Kyle didn’t forget her. But at the same time, he really didn’t mind her too much.
He did, however, remember that right around this time, she was out on a journey to widen her perspectives. Her home is far away, so he thought the chances of meeting her here were slim.
Kyle had decided that when he had time, he would go visit her, but he wasn’t expecting to meet her like this.
Ulza was agitated further with Kyle’s nonsense mumbling, and being the impatient one, she reached for her dagger on her waist.
Kyle used a spell, *haste*, which could be cast without saying anything.
Using this, he was able to close the distance with her in an instant.
To prevent her from brandis.h.i.+ng her dagger, she grabbed her by the waist, and to prevent her from thras.h.i.+ng, he embraced her entire body.
To any bystander, it looked like he was giving her a huge hug.
To render her powerless, the best thing to do was to just pummel her, but there was no way he was going to do that to her.
“L…Let go!!”
Ulza tried to break free, but elves were small and delicate. She was unable to free herself.
“Calm down. There’s soldiers nearby. You’ll be arrested!”
If a foreign elf were to brandish a weapon and attack a human, she would most likely be severely punished.
“Shut up! Let me go!!”
She showed no signs of calming down.
If this continued any longer, she would do anything to grab the dagger and slash Kyle.
If she used any spiritual magic, things would be worse.
Kyle had no other options but to use magic to calm her down.
But elves have a high resistance to magic, so spells aren’t that effective.
Kyle had a trick.
“ *Sleep Exes*! ”
By using her mana* in a sleep inducing spell, he made it work.
You could tell she was still angry by looking at her eyes, but she fell asleep just like that.
Kyle grabbed Ulza just as she was about to collapse to the ground.
To him, this was no different from what happened just five days ago.
He remembered the night before the battle.
“…We meet again….”
He gently caressed her sleeping face.
Ulza was gently breathing while she slept, and Kyle smiled.
At that moment, Kyle felt an excruciating pain on his side, and he went flying.
His was lying on the floor and his body was bent. After a few moments, he was finally able to look up.
“What are you doing…….”
“You really like hitting me in the guts don’t you!!”
Lize was looking down at Kyle. Her face showed no expression whatsoever.
“It’s not what it seems like. Just listen to me. Calm down. Let’s talk about this. She also lost her home and her family…so we comforted each other…and I was lonely because you were gone…or…”
“What are you talking about?!”
“It’s a misunderstanding! Or maybe not…but it’s complicated!”
“Be serious! You’re acting just like Seran. I can’t believe you just attacked a girl on the street because she was pretty.”
“No, it’s not like that! That’s a complete misunderstanding!”
“I knew I couldn’t trust you! I’m coming with you! I don’t care what you say, I’m going with you on your trip! No way I’m letting you out of my sights!”
The ensuing argument that continued right next to Ulza’s sleeping body carried on until it was stopped by nearby soldiers.
However, since Lize beating up Kyle was such a common event, she got away with it with only a warning.
Lize was preparing tea at Kyle’s house in his reception room.
The three sat down.
Ulza was very cautious of the two. She didn’t even drink the tea, but she seemed calmer than before.
It’s not like she could do anything about it: when she woke up, Lize was being lectured by soldiers, and Kyle was beat up pretty badly. It took a while for her to understand what was going on. For that reason, her rage simmered down.
Lize and Kyle continued with the argument.
“…I’m telling you…it’s a misunderstanding…!”