Chapter 157: Reunion (1/2)
Raikou was the one who managed to find Arthur. He was coming with a small group of people, but they were under attack from Blood sect members. Raikou quickly told Ed, who then flew to the direction he was told.
”Edward!” Arthur managed to notice his son even while fighting an enemy. Ed waved at him and smiled while summoning his companions. Arthur was actually in a bind since his opponent was also at Immortal Establishment, a level higher. Arthur had some people helping him. But, they were all fighting people with a cultivation higher than theirs. Ed's help was much appreciated.
Ed was surprised to see who accompanied Ed. Inside a carriage was the king of Scale kingdom and his family, who looked very injured. But outside of the carriage was the true surprise. Hayato and Ellie were fighting while protecting the carriage, along with a middle-aged man who Ed never saw before. Ed's companions managed to lessen the burden on Arthur and he managed to turn the tables on his opponent. Ed also killed close to ten Heavenly Establishment cultivators, helping reduce the numbers of the strong ones. Soon enough, Hayato and Ellie managed to kill their opponents. As well as many other Heavenly Establishment cultivators. The ones attacking Arthur's group were small in number. But they had a high number of Heavenly Establishment cultivators. But, they didn't have monsters like the ones that attacked Avalon.
”We'll talk later, stay still for a while.” Noticing that everyone wanted to ask him something, Ed stopped them. They killed their pursuers but knew if some others laid in ambush. Ed caught the carriage first and teleported it to the kingdom. Then he quickly did the same for the others. In less than a minute, he managed to teleport everyone to the courtyard of the castle. Elizabeth and the others were glad to see Arthur back safe. Their reunion lasted for a while before Ed summoned Suika and Merry. He asked them to heal those inside the carriage. He only asked for a light healing until they stabilize, then they could fully heal them.
Ed was in deep thinking, but it was cut short as he felt a punch coming towards him. He managed to stop it, realizing in the process who attacked him.
”Where have you been you, idiot?!” Ellie asked him in a hurry. Hayato behind her looked at him in the same questioning way.
”It's complicated ha ha ha” Ed answered while scratching his face awkwardly.
”What do you mean complicated?!” Ellie sent another punch which was stopped by Ed. He looked at her and realized some tears were filling her eyes.
”Are you crying?” Ed couldn't help but ask. He was touched that his friends were worried about his well being.
”Like I would! Hmph!” She snorted and crossed her hands.
”I'll explain everything in due time. I need to find out about something.”
Before Ed could ask, Hayato spoke. ”It's about Emilia right? We're saving her of course, isn't that right?” A smile appeared on both Ed and Hayato's faces. ”Of course!” Ed answered him. Their friend was in danger, so of course, they would save her.
”By the way, what are you guys doing here?” Ed remembered and asked them.