Part 23 (1/2)

[81] i.e., lover of his wife.

[82] i.e., a shudder at sin.

[83] Wors.h.i.+p of the household G.o.ds or devotion.

[84] The eleventh lunar day of every fortnight, on which a fast is observed by orthodox Hindus.

[85] Bhusura, bhudeva; a generic name for a Brahmin.

[86] Oil of sesamun; til and gingely oil are the ordinary names for this common product of India.

[87] Dvadasi is the twelfth lunar day, on which early in the morning, before even the fifth ghatika is over, every orthodox Hindu is obliged by his religious codes to break the previous day's fast.

[88] Lit. a ”chombu-full;” the chombu is a small vessel.

[89] A sacred hymn.

[90] A panam is generally worth two anas.

[91] See also the second tale in this series.