Part 41 (1/1)

Well, good-bye, my reader. I hope you will have got half the enjoyment out of reading these yarns that I have had in spinning them to you.

Will you try to remember some of the ideas which they bring to your mind-most especially those ten ”Scout Laws” with which I began the book.

I repeat them as a reminder for you. Learn them by heart-each one to a finger.


1. A Scout's Honour is to be Trusted.

2. A Scout is Loyal.

3. A Scout is Useful to Others.

4. A Scout is a Friend to all.

5. A Scout is Courteous.

6. A Scout is a Friend to Animals 7. A Scout Obeys Orders.

8. A Scout Smiles and Whistles when in Trouble.

9. A Scout is Thrifty.

10. A Scout is Clean in Thought, Word, and Deed.

Will you try to remember these and carry them out in your daily life?

By doing so you will be a true Young Knight of the Empire.