Part 21 (1/2)
Then there is a third kind of fis.h.i.+ng, and that is fly-fis.h.i.+ng. It is the most difficult, but at the same time the most useful, because it is the only way that will do in the rapid rivers and streams with which you meet in the wilds; and also it can be used on lakes and slower rivers, and it is much the best fun.
All the boys in Norway catch their fish by fly-fis.h.i.+ng. You have to have a whippy rod with a long line to it, and a long piece of gut (called the ”cast”) on it, with from one to three hooks made to look like flies on it, these are fixed at about two feet apart.
By using the rod as a spring you can throw the line a long distance to any point you wish, so that the flies will float past the nose of a fish and tempt him to rush out and swallow one.
The throwing of the fly--casting it is called--is at first the difficulty for a beginner, but it comes all right with a little practice. You can learn to do it perfectly well without going to a river and without having any hooks on your line to begin with.
Take a rod, and a line as long as a rod and a half, and try throwing it in a field or road or anywhere--till you can get the line to go out perfectly straight to its full extent on to the ground at the spot you wish. The great points to remember which are the key to success arc these: All the work is done by the tip of the rod, not the b.u.t.t. Bring your rod back with a little jerk at the end to throw the line back behind you, but don't let the rod itself go back much beyond the upright position.
[Ill.u.s.tration: LEARNING TO THROW THE FLY.]
Before throwing the line forward again, give a pause so that it has time to straighten itself behind you--and that pause is the secret of the whole thing. It must not be too short, or your line will still be curled up when you shoot it forward and will not go out the distance you want, and if the pause is too long it will fall and catch on the ground behind you, and also will lose its spring. That is where practice is so necessary, so that you know exactly how long to pause.
Then an important point to remember is that the jerking of the rod, whether forward or backward, is done from the wrist and only slightly from the elbow, and not at all from the shoulder. A beginner would do well to tie his elbow by a loose strap to his waist, so as to remind him not to wave his whole arm as most beginners do.
All this sounds a good deal to think of, but if you go and practise it you very soon get into the way of it, and fly-fis.h.i.+ng is the best sport that I know.
There are two kinds of fly-fis.h.i.+ng, ”wet” and ”dry.” Wet fly means that you let your flies sink into the water and you then draw them along under the surface. A dry fly is made in such a way that it floats on the top of the water as many natural flies do, and the fish, seeing it floating there, rises at it. This is the best sport of all fis.h.i.+ng, but is also the most difficult to do well.
Of course, it is difficult for some boys to buy rods and fis.h.i.+ng tackle, but a Scout ought to be able to make his own as most of these Norwegian boys do.
[Ill.u.s.tration: USING A YOUNG TREE AS A FIs.h.i.+NG-ROD.]
Cut a straight, whippy rod of about ten feet, put on a line of strong, thin twine, and a cast of horsehair out of a pony's tail if you cannot get gut, A hook is difficult to manufacture for yourself, though it can be done with a bit of wire and a file; but most Scouts going on an expedition take a few hooks with them as part of their outfit.
When I was out with George, I had to make myself a rod, as we only had one rod between us and I got tired of waiting for my turn with it; but we were high up in the mountains where the woods were thin, so I only got a poor choice of sticks from which to make one.
However, I cut down a likely looking birch sapling and trimmed him down, and he did pretty well; but he was not very springy, so it required more brute force on my part than skilful turning of the wrist to get my line out, But I caught a lot of fish with him all the same.
One day I broke the delicate top joint of my fly-fis.h.i.+ng rod by catching the fly in a bush during the back throw.
Well, it's no use giving up fis.h.i.+ng because your rod is broken; the thing to do is to set to work and mend it. It is an accident which often happens, especially to a beginner, and every Scout ought to know how to mend his rod.
My rod had snapped off a few inches from the tip, so I took the ring off the broken tip, and, after tr.i.m.m.i.n.g the broken end of the rod with my knife, I put the ring on to this and thus made my rod workable; but it was just a few inches shorter than it had been before.
This is the way to bind your ring on to the new tip--at least, it's the way I did it, and it served quite well for the rest of my trip.
Having no beeswax, I took some ”gum” from the bark of a fir tree and rubbed a thin coating on the rod and on the black silk thread I had with me; then, putting the ring on to the end of the rod, I bound it there with a very careful and tight wrapping of the silk. This I had previously wound on to a stick so as to get a good hold on it for pulling each turn tight.
To fasten the end of the silk, proceed as follows: