Part 11 (1/2)
The punishment for swearing or using bad language is for each offence, a_ mug of _cold water to be poured down the offender's _sleeve by the other Scouts. It was the punishment invented by the old British scout, Captain John Smith, three hundred years ago_.
When I was encamped with my troop of Scouts at Humshaugh, Northumberland, a gentleman living in the neighbourhood invited us to come and visit the castle in which he lived. It was a beautiful old tower left much in the state in which it was when it formed one of the Border defences against Scotland. On the top was the fighting platform from which the archers fired their bolts and arrows, and the gunners fired their culverins. On the storey below were the rooms in which the family lived, and below these again were the guardrooms of the men-at-arms. On the ground-floor was the cattle stable into which the herds were driven for security when the enemy were around. The portcullis which closed the gateway was still in existence, hauled up and down by means of ropes over pulleys of which the levers were worked on the floor above.
In later and more peaceful times, that is in the reign of James I, a house was built on to the tower to give more room to the inhabitants.
In the hall of this house was a n.o.ble fireplace above which there was an elaborate overmantel of carved oak ill.u.s.trating the seven Christian virtues. There were little statues representing Fort.i.tude, Benevolence, Faith, etc., etc., all the qualities which a good Christian should possess and carry into practice. But I felt, after looking at them all, that there was still one virtue missing, and I suggested to the boys that you might carry out all these seven good qualities of a Christian without doing it to the best effect. You might carry it out as an order to be kind, to be helpful, to be chivalrous, and so on, but if you only did it because it was an order, and therefore did it grumpily, half its value was lost.
The important point is that when you know what is the right thing to do, you should jump to it and do it cheerily with a smile. Therefore I thought that we Scouts might add one more to these seven Christian virtues--namely Cheerfulness.
Then there is another good reason for being cheerful.
Have you ever noticed as you walk along the street how very few people look really happy? They are going along often with downcast eyes, and nearly always with dejected, serious countenances; if one comes along who looks at you smilingly it is a great relief, and makes you feel a bit happier yourself. And _there_ is a reason why a Scout should go about with a smile on, because it makes other people happy. You may not always feel cheerful yourself, but you should not show this, as it will make other people feel glum, too. If you make yourself look cheerful, you will gradually find that you are becoming brighter.
If you are troubled or anxious, or in pain, force yourself to smile.
It will be difficult at first; still, force yourself to do it, and you will find to your surprise that your trouble is not so great as you thought it was.
I have known men in action getting very anxious when great danger overshadowed them. But if one began to laugh and to talk cheerily, or to whistle, the cloud pa.s.sed by and everybody bucked up and was ready to face the situation.
That is what makes our men so formidable in the war just now. In spite of heavy losses, in spite of overwhelming attacks against them, they have always kept up their spirits and therefore their pluck. It has often been the secret of their being able to hold their own, and it will be the secret of their coming out victorious in the end.
Remember this--and I have found it come true in hundreds of different kinds of cases:
”A difficulty ceases to be a difficulty directly you smile at it and tackle it.”
During one of my visits to Birmingham, I saw a Rally of the local Scouts. One thing that struck me about them, besides their good work, was their cheerfulness. The outside of their programme had printed upon it portraits of eight of their smartest Scouts, and each one of these has a big grin on.
Well, that is what I like to see; fellows who can work, and work cheerily. It is just what our men are doing at the Front.
I saw a letter the other day from an officer describing how the men lived a miserable existence crouching in the trenches, always wet and cold and muddy, being shot at and sh.e.l.led all the time, but they welcomed the as if they were friends, giving them the nicknames of Jack Johnsons, Black Marias, Woolly Bears, etc. He says of the men:
”If I were asked what struck me most, I would say that it was the marvellous cheerfulness of the men living in such awful circ.u.mstances.
Every one to a man seemed happy. They are always ready for a joke, and they see fun in everything.”
And that is why we shall succeed in this war, because our men see the bright side of it, and take things cheerfully and hopefully, even in the worst circ.u.mstances. It is also the way to succeed in peace time when doing work or suffering hards.h.i.+ps or disappointments.
[Ill.u.s.tration: KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE DOG.]
One bit of advice I gave to the Birmingham Scouts was that, if ever you run a race with a dog, keep your eye on the dog, and don't look about at other things. I myself was an example of ”how not to do it,”
for I had had a race with my dog--I was running in shorts--and he saw me looking round and promptly ran between my legs and threw me over.
So I had to go to Birmingham on two sticks with a bandaged knee.