Part 7 (1/2)
It is chivalry to do one's duty to G.o.d and the King, to help women and children, and all people in distress; and to be plucky and brave in carrying out one's duty.
That is why Boy Scouts are frequently being described in the papers as ”chivalrous.” I hope they will go on and continue to deserve the t.i.tle.
One great step in ”Courteousness” is to be grateful when anybody does you a ”good turn,” and to tell them you are grateful by saying ”Thank you.” It is a little thing to do, but it is a great thing to the person who has done the kindness to feel that it was not thrown away.
A bus drove by under my window. It was crowded with people, inside and out. On the outside every seat was filled, so much so that one woman had to stand. I saw men look round at her, one apparently annoyed because she accidentally jostled his newspaper, but none offered to give her his seat.
They were most of them well-to-do men, such as go by the name of gentlemen so far as their dress and appearance went but when it came to the true test of a gentleman, that is, the feeling of chivalry and politeness to women, the only gentleman among them was a working boy, a lad of about fifteen, in dirty clothes, with dirty hands and face.
When he saw a woman standing he at once left his seat and beckoned her into it. I hope that some of his so-called betters had the good sense to feel ashamed at being taught manners by a working boy. Perhaps he was a Scout. At any rate, he acted as a Scout would in the same circ.u.mstances.
Many people are inclined to think that the word ”gentleman” means a man who was born rich, and that a boy brought up at expensive schools and colleges must therefore be a gentleman when he has grown up. But this does not always follow.
A fellow who is lucky enough to have been brought up in that way has certainly better chances of being a gentleman than many a poor boy has; but at the same time a poor boy can be just as good a gentleman as a rich one.
A gentleman is what the word says; he is a man, but a gentle man, not a rough, bullying, coa.r.s.e customer, but a fellow who, though big and strong, can be kind and chivalrous and helpful to other people.
As good a sample as any of a ”gentleman” is the London policeman. He is at all times courteous and helpful to others, even to the extent of being ready to risk his life at any moment to save people in cases of accidents, or to protect them against rough handling, and he treats rich and poor, old and young, with equal attention and patience, and good humour.
Several years ago I spent, some time with Arabs in North Africa, in Tunisia and Algeria, and I found them first-rate fellows, They were very fond of any kind of adventurous sport, and were hospitable and courteous.
Numbers of them used to come out with their dogs to help me to find game, and after a long day's beating in the thorn bush and high gra.s.s, when we finished hunting, they used to shake hands and go off home, quite happy if I had had a good day, and not expecting or seeking for a tip or a reward as is so generally the case, I am sorry to say, in England. Men here seem to think that they ought to be paid for every blessed thing they do.
The Arab chiefs, too, were kindly hosts, they gave me the best of food, generally a sort of Irish stew of chickens and rice, and made me comfortable in their own tents at night under their blankets.
They are very clean people, very brave, very courteous and very honourable. So they are true Scouts of the Desert. They have a number of little camp customs which Scouts ought to know--and many of them are like those practised by scouts.
Arabs are always very strict in saluting each other.
The custom of saluting came, as you know, from the old times, when everybody carried weapons, and the act of raising the right hand on meeting another man was meant to show that you had not got a weapon in that hand, and were therefore a friend.
It is exactly the same to this day with the Zulus and other South African tribes, who carry clubs and a.s.segais; on meeting each other they pa.s.s their weapons into the left hand, and raise their right to show that it is empty, and that therefore they don't mean to fight you.
So it is, too, with the Arabs.
If a horseman meets a man on foot, the horseman salutes first, because he is in the more powerful position, and it is only fair that the man on foot should therefore have his weapon ready till he knows that the mounted man is friendly.
In the same way, if a man is sitting down and another walks up to him, the man who is walking is in the better position for attacking, so he salutes first to show that he is friendly.
It is very bad form to pitch your tent close to the water supply of the camp, because it looks as if you were taking possession of the spring, and that anyone else wanting to use it would have to get your permission or be liable to be attacked by you when getting his water.