Part 12 (2/2)

Maximum Warp Dave Galanter 43840K 2022-07-22

Now Riker was rigid in his seat, all evidence of relaxation gone from his emotional broadcast. ”Raise s.h.i.+elds,” he ordered. ”For all the good it'll do us against a warbird. Put 'em on screen.”

By this time Deanna, too, had buried herself in scanners and sensors. But she also took a moment to look up on the main viewscreen. ”It's a-” She stammered.

She'd thought she'd be able to identify it. She'd familiarized herself with all the files Enterprise had on Romulan fleet s.h.i.+ps. ”I don't know what that is.”

”Data, check configuration against known schematics of any-”

”Checking now, sir.” The android bent over his console.

”You recognize that at all?” Riker asked her.

Deanna shook her head. ”It doesn't even look Romulan.”

”It is not Romulan,” Data said, turning to them from his station. ”The design is Galbutian. The Romulan government purchased several of these s.h.i.+ps from the neutral Galbutians. They are commonly used to haul large quant.i.ties of cargo between star systems. Lacking stasis holds, they are not used for organic matter or unstable elements.”

”What are they used for?

Data gave his version of a shrug, a small motion he made with his eyebrows. ”I would a.s.sume mostly stable waste removal.”

”It's a garbage scow?” Riker was incredulous for a moment. Deanna felt that, then she felt something common from him. Not an emotion, per se. It was something she simply felt when she knew he was ... well, for lack of a better term, ”plotting.”

”That is one way to put it, sir.”

”It should be weaponless,” Riker said. ”Then again, it should be cloak less too.”

”Yes, sir. The vessel is hailing us.”

Eyes widening, Riker paused a moment, then shrugged. ”Well... put them on.”

”h.e.l.lo! You are Federation, yes?”

Riker nodded slowly. ”Right.” He turned to Deanna and whispered. ”He's talking without a translator.”

”I noticed,” Deanna said.

”And you are?” Riker asked.

”I, Tobin.” The Romulan smiled. Deanna noticed his hair was disheveled and he appeared not to have shaved in a few days. ”Captives. Okay?”

Riker didn't answer. He whispered to Deanna. ”Is he trying to take us captive?”

Her turn to shrug. ”I'm not sure. Whatever he's saying, he seems very happy about it.”

”Captive? Okay?” Tobin repeated. ”You see me, yes?”

”Yeah, we see you.” Riker said.

The Romulan smiled widely.

”He seems very ... odd, sir,” Data said.

Letting out a light whistle, Riker nodded agreement. ”No weapons on his s.h.i.+p, right, Data?”

”No, sir. A lot of plastiform rubbish, however.”

”I don't suppose there's any of the plasma conduit material we're looking for? Barantium?”

”Not that I detect, sir.”

”Captive! Now!” Tobin yelled, but continued to smile.

Was he pleased he'd ”captured” the runabout? And just how had he? He had no weapons, just a cloak. And why a cloak on that s.h.i.+p? And why had they not seen through that cloak as they had all the others? Deanna entertained all these questions and more, and felt Riker was probably doing the same.

Finally she gave voice to the real threat. ”What are we going to do? All he has to do is tell others we're here.”

”Has he sent any messages, Data?” Riker asked.

”No, sir.”


”His s.h.i.+elds are down, sir.”

Riker chewed on his lower lip a quick moment, then made a decision and nodded to himself. ”Beam him over.”

Deanna touched his arm. ”Pardon?”

”He's the only one aboard, he has yet to tell anyone we're here, I'd say now is the time.”

She sighed, unable to argue with that. ”All right.”

”I'm glad I have your approval.” Riker looked back toward Data, ”Lock on and energize.”

The android tapped at the console to his left. ”Energizing.”

In the aft transporter alcove, light and sparkle quickly formed and then dissipated, leaving a short, somewhat chubby Romulan behind.

”h.e.l.lo there! I am Tobin! Captive!”

The Romulan rushed onto the deck, past Data and toward Riker. All three Starfleeters barely had time to bring their phasers up before Tobin grabbed Riker and hugged him.

Phaser at his side, Riker pushed the smiling Tobin off him. ”Uh ... we surrender?”

Klingon Wars.h.i.+p Qulric Klingon s.p.a.ce Malinga Sector ”Sir.”
