Part 9 (1/2)

Maximum Warp Dave Galanter 51920K 2022-07-22

That thought had surely occurred to everyone, especially Picard. And as the sharply angled craft grew on the main viewer, the captain wondered just what sorts of traps the Romulans might lay, if this were all indeed some ruse.

Was the shuttle a giant explosive device that would gain proximity to Enterprise and disable the s.h.i.+p for the waiting cloaked birds-of-prey? Were the two Romuland too much like an incident designed to get the Enterprise into battle in Romulan s.p.a.ce. And yet... ”Set an intercept course for the shuttle.” Picard dropped himself into the command chair. ”Raise s.h.i.+elds. Red alert.”

”Course laid in, sir.”


Enterprise sped forward, and in little more than an instant the Romulan shuttle grew from a small dot into a fist-sized bubble on the main viewscreen.

”Captain, the warbird is continuing to fire on the Romulan shuttle,” Data reported.

”I'd warn them off if I thought that would accomplish anything.”

”Might anger them,” Riker offered.

”They seem quite upset now, sir,” Data said. ”The shuttle's s.h.i.+elds are collapsing.”

”Extend our s.h.i.+elds around them, sir?” Riker asked.

That was a risky undertaking, and there were too many unanswered questions. Not only would extending the s.h.i.+elds around another vessel put a high drain on the s.h.i.+p's power, it would leave the Enterprise vulnerable. If the shuttle were a decoy ... ”Transporter range?”

”We'll have to drop s.h.i.+elds.” Riker's voice showed no strain.

Dropping s.h.i.+elds completely might be more risky. Were the shuttle a decoy, when s.h.i.+elds are down both it and the warbird could attack and the Enterprise would be defenseless. Picard hated decisions that amounted to choosing between the lesser of two evils. Still, he had to choose. ”We won't have to drop s.h.i.+elds if we take your suggestion and extend ours around them. Make it so.”

”And lock weapons on the warbird?” Riker asked.

”Yes. But hold fire.” The captain leaned toward a status monitor at his side. ”Data, lock transporters on the two life-forms in the shuttle. Beam them, on my mark, directly to the bridge as soon as our s.h.i.+elds are around their vessel. Hold any possible weapons they're carrying in the pattern buffers.”

”Aye, sir. Transporter locked.”

Picard pressed a b.u.t.ton on the arm of his chair. ”Security detail, to the bridge.”

”Warbird is within weapons range,” Chamberlain reported.

”Shuttle has lost s.h.i.+elds.”

”Now, Data! Extend our s.h.i.+elds and energize.”

”Romulans are firing!” said Chamberlain.

Light played out across the viewscreen as the warbird's disrupters punched into the shuttle. Enterprise's s.h.i.+elds protected the small vessel, but both s.h.i.+ps were buffeted by the impact.

”Tractor that into the shuttlebay,” Picard ordered, indicating the small Romulan vessel.

Four security guards poured out the turbolifts as the glare of two transporter columns filled the lower bridge with sparkle.

The guards stood ready, and as the two Romulan figures solidified, Picard nodded the security men closer.

”Warbird turning on us,” Riker called.

”Evasive,” Picard said, and took a moment to glance toward the two Romulans.

”Captain Picard.” The Romulan on the left stepped forward and nodded. ”As usual, the Enterprise's timing was impeccable.”

Picard stepped forward, his mouth open just the slightest in surprise. He nearly gasped, but instead his lips curled into a thin smile. ”Spock.”

Chapter Twelve.

U.S.S. Enterprise, NEC 1701E Romulan s.p.a.ce Sector 94 ”evasive,” picard ordered, his respectful gaze lingering on Spock a moment. The warbird fired weak shots across the Enterprise's s.h.i.+elds, but at point-blank it was enough to rattle the s.h.i.+p.

”We are being hailed, sir,” Shapiro said.

”My apologies, Captain,” the Romulan with Spock said. ”I did think that my arrangements would have been sufficient that we wouldn't be pursued.”

”Your arrangements?” The captain stared at the Romulan a moment, but he didn't have time to figure it all out now.

”On screen.”

”Picard. When I saw it was your s.h.i.+p, I didn't want to believe it.”

”Folan-” She was seething with hate, he could tell. Her eyes got small and she leaned forward in her command chair.

”Surrender, and prepare to be boarded-or be destroyed.” She turned away in her chair, and the screen went blank.

”Get us out of here,” Picard ordered.

Turning on his heel as the Enterprise also turned away, he nodded at the two security guards by the forward turbolift to stand ready, but at ease.

Smoothly, the guards marched toward Spock and the Romulan, stopping a few feet away, as Picard lowered himself into the command chair. ”Avoid offensive fire, Mr. Chamberlain. Helm, plot a direct course out of Romulan s.p.a.ce.” The captain looked up at Spock and his companion. After a long moment, it dawned on Picard just who the Romulan was. He rose, slowly. ”T'sart,” he whispered.

T'sart smiled and bowed his head as if accepting a compliment.

Blood seemed to rush to Picard's fingertips and face. He felt warm. He felt angry. Finally, he ground out: ”Under the authority of the Supreme Court of the United Federation of Planets, and the Attorney General of the Federation Council, you are hereby placed under Federation arrest. You have the right to refuse interrogation, and the right to legal representation.”

T'sart's angled features fell into a deep frown. ”Ah, but Captain, I'm here to ask the Federation for political asylum.”

Disrupter shots sizzled against the s.h.i.+elds, and as the bridge shook around them, only the security guards and Spock seemed unaffected.

”Direct course plotted and on the screen, sir.”

”Engage.” Picard spun toward tactical. ”Lieutenant, disable their weapons and propulsion.” He tapped at his comm badge. ”Dr. Crusher, report to the bridge.”

Another glance of weapons fire against the s.h.i.+elds rattled the s.h.i.+p. Less so as Enterprise accelerated away from the damaged warbird.

The captain stood again, and took just a few steps toward T'sart, Spock, and the guards. ”You have a lot of gall, T'sart.” He nodded to the guards. ”The brig.”