23 Chapter 23 (1/2)

I saw Kevin in pain. I quickly rushed to him.

” Kevin,”

” Don't come,” he shouted

I quickly stop.

” Kevin,”

” Leave,”

” Kevin,”

” Why is the door open, don't me that Nadia went in there, she will die,”

As she was going to where the door is open, a guy stopped her.

” Lionel, why did you stop me?”

” Leave her alone, if she dies, she dies, it is no one fault,”

” She is a nice girl, she doesn't deserve to die,”

” I have to tell the prince friends, I should give them a hint, I know that if I fight with him, I won't win and he will knock me out, let me do it,” she thought

She did.

”You left me with no choice,”

He knocked her out

' You have to die for the prince to live,”

I didn't listen to him, I continue going closer to him.

” Nadia, don't come close to me,”

” What happened to you,”

I touched him, his body was so cold. His eyes were so red. I was so scared, this was the first time I have ever seen a thing like that. Kevin hold my hand and put me on the floor.

” Kevin, stop” I was shaking

As he was getting closer to me, his friends entered inside.

” Kevin, leave Nadia,”

” Nadia, don't be scared,”

Jillian went to Kevin, she pushes her cloth to the side. Kevin let go of my hand and he went to Jillian and sucked her blood. I was so surprised and shocked that I wasn't able to move.