15 Chapter 15 (1/2)

” We are here?”

” Where is this, this place looks very different than the place me and the girls went to, it is like a different world.”

” you have a sharp eye, you were able to tell all the difference in one go, some people can't even tell the difference,”

” Really,”

” Yes, when I brought my friends here the first time, they couldn't tell the difference, they thought it was the same, how were you able to tell?”

” I don't know, so what is this place?”

” Come, let me introduce you to somebody,”

Why is he avoiding the question, I ask him where is the place, he didn't answer me, but who did he want to introduce to me? When I went inside, some people are lying down sick. It is like this is a hospital. I think it is. But if it is a hospital, why did he take me here?

” Hey,”

” Kevin, Kevin long time no see,” They do a handshake

Who is he? Kevin must be closer to him.

” How is your work?”

” It is fine,”

” Who is he?”

” She is the girl I married,”

” She didn't have the sign of the princess,”

” What I meant is that I humanly married her,”

” Oh, I see, Hi,”

” Hi”

” I brought her in here to learn medicine,”

What on earth is he saying? Why didn't he talk to me first?

” Kevin,” I was tucking his shirt

” What is it?”

” Let me talk to you in private,”