Part 15 (1/2)

”He'd come back for me!” I protested stubbornly.

”I don't doubt that for a second. But he's also immortal; we all are. We won't be able to do what we need to do to get him out if we have to worry about keeping you alive, blueberry.”

I stayed quiet. There wasn't much I could say to that because it was true.

”We will bring him home. I promise.”

”You better! Because if you don't, I'll have your b.a.l.l.s mounted to the living room wall, and if they grow back I will repeat the process every day until he's back home where he belongs! Do you understand?”

All the brothers s.h.i.+fted their hands to cover their crotch and nodded their heads.

”Yeah blueberry, we understand.”



I haven't seen Willow in days, or Alexander for that matter. He came in once a few nights ago completely p.i.s.sed off and took it out on me. I don't know what got his panties in such a twist, but whoever it was that p.i.s.sed him off was most likely dead by now; I just hoped it wasn't Willow.

My body was taking longer to heal than it usually would because I still haven't fed on anyone. It was hard to hold my head up or even function at all and the burn marks left across my body from a branding iron still felt fresh.

I know for a fact I have a few broken ribs from the other night because I can see them poking right out of my skin and it hurts to breathe. I'm almost certain a lung has been punctured as well. It wouldn't kill me but it sure as h.e.l.l hurt like a b.i.t.c.h!

I still haven't slept yet; even though Alexander's not around they still try to drown me whenever I pa.s.s out. I heard a scrubbing noise coming from the corner of the room. I lifted my head a bit to try and see what was going on and I couldn't believe my eyes. Micky was on his hands and knees scrubbing the floor.

”Micky? Hey, is that you?”

My voice sounded like I had swallowed sandpaper, and my throat felt like it too. There was something odd about Micky, but I couldn't quite place it.

”What are you doing here?”

”I don't know how many times I have to tell you Tobias. If you're going to fight in my bar please take it outside!”

”Your bar? We aren't at your bar.”

”You know how hard it is to scrub blood out of the wood! Keep this up and you will be buying me new floors.”

What the h.e.l.l was he talking about? The floors are made of cement and this place is nothing like the bar.

”Hey! Danny boy, take your brother and the ball outside before you two end up breaking something!”

I looked over to the direction Micky was yelling in, but I didn't see anyone there. What the f.u.c.k was going on; Danny boy? That's impossible. Daniel and Jonathan both died over seas.

”This isn't real.” I whispered to myself.

It couldn't be real; I was seeing ghosts of the past. Images and memories had to be coming back to haunt me. Micky looked at least twenty years younger than he did the last time I saw him.

I squeezed my eyes shut to try and make it go away; when I opened them Micky was gone and the room was empty again. I was seriously losing it.

”Don't fall asleep Uncle T! We've been given strict orders to make sure you stay awake and Jonny and I would really hate to have to hurt you.”

I know that voice, but it wasn't possible. This had to be another hallucination. I closed my eyes again and took a slow painful breath, trying to make it stop. As soon as my eyes closed though, I felt the towel put over my face and the jugs of ice water started flowing.

I coughed and gasped for air between jugs, but it was practically impossible. My lungs burned with each breath and my entire body was racked with pain. When the towel was removed, I looked up into the face of a ghost.

”I told you we didn't want to do that.”

”You're dead!”

”Minor technicality.”

I studied his face for a minute then shook my head. It wasn't possible; if they were alive they would have come home to see their dad.

”I'm going crazy.”

”I used to think the same thing when I realized that you didn't age. At first I thought that maybe you just aged really well, but then I saw a picture of you and my dad when he was my age. No one ages that well!” Jonathan said, as he came and stood next to his brother with his arms across his chest.

”You're dead.” I repeated.

”We were. Or at least we were going to be, until Alexander and his sister found us.”

”They didn't just save our lives; they changed us, made us greater than we ever were.” Jonathan added.

”I don't understand.”

”It's simple, really. We were going to die and they found us, and then brought us to a place a lot like this one. At first, we were terrified and wished we had died instead.” Daniel explained.

”Yeah, the injections hurt like a son of a b.i.t.c.h!”

”But, they made us stronger, faster, and immortal.”

I watched them closely. Something wasn't quite right with them. I could usually tell when someone was a vampire, or a werewolf, but I couldn't quite place what they were. It was weird.

”You don't know them.” I said.

”We know them better than we ever knew you. They haven't lied to us about who or what they are. They don't walk around pretending to be normal.”

Daniel nodded his head in agreement with his brother before checking a text that came through on his phone and leaving the room. Jonathan didn't seem too worried about it.

”They destroyed you two.”

”No, they freed us, made us better.”

”You don't believe that, Jonathan. If you did you wouldn't have let your father believe you were dead all this time. They changed you so much that you're so ashamed of what you've become that you would rather let your father suffer alone than let him see you like this.”

”You don't know what you're talking about!” he snapped, but I could see the truth in his eyes.