Part 13 (1/2)

Both anger and hunger rose inside of me. Never have I felt such conflicting emotions; I wanted to rip her apart and feed on her until the rest of my hunger was satisfied, but at the same time I wanted to coddle her and kiss away her pain. It was my fault she was brought here in the first place and I needed to protect her because lord knows no one else in this G.o.d forsaken place will.

Willow had lost weight. She was pretty tiny to begin with but now you could clearly see her bones pressing out from her skin. Her eyes were dark and bruised, and even though her face was swollen you could see her cheeks were sunken in.

”Let him up.”

The minions jumped to Alexander's command. The steel restraints that held me to the floor were unlocked and I was jerked to my feet by Alexander pulling on the chains still cuffed to my arms.

My legs felt like they were going to collapse underneath me. Whatever Alexander had injected me with was definitely doing its job. My throat still burned and I didn't even have the strength to speak. I wanted to ask Willow if she was alright but by the looks of her that would be a very stupid question.

I watched as Alexander walked over to her and I wanted nothing more than to break his hand when he cupped her face in it. She closed her eyes, but she didn't fight him off like she did his minion. It made me wonder if what he had said was true. I couldn't see Willow doing something like that, but if he tortured her enough maybe there wasn't anything she wouldn't do to get out of here.

”Hey there princess.” Alexander said in a rather chipper tone before planting a kiss on her lips; she looked absolutely disgusted. Since Alexander was a vampire he didn't care that her blood had gotten on him, instead he just licked it off.

”She's absolutely delicious. You should have a bite.” He said before releasing her.

His minions chained her hands to the ground this time so she was forced to stay on her knees. I could see the tears in her eyes, but she wasn't letting them fall. I was so proud of her and the strength she had. I wanted to kiss her for her bravery.

”Is that a no?” Alexander asked as if it wasn't obvious. ”Well, alright then.”

I watched as he pulled a knife out and placed it against her neck. I began breathing rapidly while trying to contain my anger. He knew p.i.s.sing me off would force me to give control over to the hunger inside of me, which only increased the chances of me feeding on Willow until she was dead.

I had to clench my teeth together to keep myself from begging him not to hurt her. Willow kept her eyes on mine, which helped me keep myself in control as much as possible. Alexander didn't seem too happy that his attempt wasn't working, so he plunged his knife into her shoulder.

Willow cried out in pain but her voice seemed so frail that it broke my heart. She wasn't meant to withstand this kind of torture; she wasn't made to be immortal like the rest of us. We might feel pain but for us it is dimmed because we can heal a lot faster than everyone else. With her being completely human, she felt every prolonged minute.

I tried to pull on my chains but it was no use. I was being held in place by one of the minions and, with whatever drug he injected me with, I had the strength of a thirteen year old boy.

”Let him go. I'm sure he's getting hungry by now.”

I dropped to the ground as the minion released the chains. I held myself up on my hands and knees before I crawled towards Willow. Alexander had walked away from her, but left the knife sticking out of her shoulder.

When I finally reached Willow I cupped her face in my hands and tilted her head up to look at me. She refused to look me in the eyes, but I wasn't giving up that easily.

”Shh cupcake, it's me.” I rasped.

Slowly Willow opened her eyes and I could see the tears she was holding back, but what really broke my heart was the fear I saw in her eyes. I knew my eyes were red because I was currently at war with the hunger inside of me. The smell of her blood made me want to devour her.

”I won't hurt you Willow.”

I pulled her against me as best as I could. It was kind of hard to work around the chains that confined both of us. She buried her face in my chest and I could hear the m.u.f.fled sobs as she finally let her tears free.

”Its ok baby, let it out. I got you.”

I squeezed my eyes shut as I cradled her against my body. I could feel her hands against my chest and I couldn't get enough of her touch. It was extremely horrible timing, but being this close to her made my c.o.c.k react instantly.

I took a deep breath as I examined the blade sticking out of her shoulder. It was at an angle where it missed all major arteries, but still caused her to lose a lot of blood. I grabbed the knife by the handle and pulled it out.

I felt her bite my chest to keep from screaming, which was perfectly ok with me. I dropped the knife to the floor and applied pressure to her wound. She would still lose a lot of blood but had I left it in, it would take a lot longer for her to start healing and there could have been a lot more damage done.

”Feed on her!” Alexander demanded.

”No.” I said through gritted teeth as I held her closer to me.

”Raise him up!” He gestured violently towards a minion.

I barely had time to release Willow when one of the minions wrenched on my chains. I flew backwards as he dragged me across the floor until I was on my knees ten feet away from Willow.

Alexander walked over with a spray bottle in his hand. I watched him screw the lid back on then adjust the setting to mist.

”I've always wondered how much this would hurt”

Alexander looked as excited as a child in a candy store as he walked over to me with spray bottle in hand. He lifted it up and pulled on the nozzle. As soon as the mist hit my chest I grunted through gritted teeth as I listened to the sound of my skin sizzling.

”Huh, doesn't sound as bad as I thought it would. Let's try that again.”

I kept my eyes at the floor as Alexander walked around me and began spraying my back with whatever concoction he had created. I kept my jaw clenched, but after the fourth and fifth spray I couldn't hold it in anymore. I cried out from the pain as my body instinctively tried to pull away from him, causing the cuffs to bite deep into my wrists until blood began to run down my arms.

”Stop! What are you doing to him! Please, stop. I'll do anything you want just stop!” Willow pleaded as she fought against her chains.

”Baby, no!” I spat out through gritted teeth which was only rewarded with another three sprays to the back.

”You're telling me that you would do anything to protect him even though he's a monster who has killed hundreds of people?”

”He's not a monster, you are!”

Alexander walked straight over to her and held the spray bottle in front of her face.

”I'm not sure if I'm supposed to thank you for the compliment or take it as an insult. So let's just pretend it was a compliment.”

Willow kept her mouth shut and nodded her head slowly without taking her eyes off the spray bottle. My burns would heal and fade; but, if he sprayed her, she would be scarred for life.

”Now, where were we?” Alexander asked and stood up again, pulling the bottle away from her face.

”Protecting Tobias.” She whispered.

”Oh yeah, you were willing to give up anything to save your little vampire play thing.”

Willow looked to me and I shook my head no trying to plead with her not to; whatever he had planned for her would hurt me worse than his acid water ever could.

”So tell me sweetheart, are you willing to give up your life to save his?”


”No!” I tried to run to her but the minion held tight against my attempt.

”Shut up Tobias. This is between little blue here and me. Another word out of you and I'll have to do this.”